Page 98 of Snowed In

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“No,” I smirked. “That is.”

I pointed to the other side of the counter, where a giant can of cling peaches rested next to a can-opener. The others chuckled briefly at the joke.

“FINALLY!” Jeremy laughed. “After all this time!”

They closed in around me, my three handsome men. I was the luckiest girl on campus… or rather, the luckiest girl off-campus, in our new, recently-decorated apartment.

“You sure you want to eat first?” Jeremy asked, moving in behind me. I sighed as he lowered his mouth to my neck.

“Forgetting about your peaches already?” I giggled.

“No,” he said, sliding a hand between my legs. “Not even a little bit.”

I was hedged in on all sides. Shane’s hand slid over my ass, while Boone’s lips moved in, pressing insistently against mine. A minute later I was kissing all of them… lost in lust… barely even aware of the spread of food left out on the counter.

None of that mattered. All that mattered was the love and attention and security that surrounded me whenever they were all home at once. I fell backward, into someone’s arms. Felt myself bei

ng carried, gently, in the direction of the bedroom.

Just keeping doing this…

Jeremy’s words again. Wise words. Wonderful words.

Maybe it all works out?

I glanced up one last time, toward the mantle of our own fireplace. Much smaller than the one we’d used to survive, it still contained a stark reminder of the abandoned hotel. Resting heavily atop a large wooden shelf the guys had built for me:

The old ham radio… still without its missing crank.

“Screw dinner,” said Shane, dropping me onto the bed.

“Screw the peaches too,” Jeremy agreed, sliding up beside me. “At least for now.”

My eyes fell on Boone, who was climbing over me. He nudged my thighs apart with his hands, before planting a trail of lingering kisses over the lace-covered expanse of my lower belly…

“For once I’m gonna agree with Beavis and Butthead,” he murmured, nuzzling his way between my legs. I hissed through clenched teeth as his mouth took advantage of my crotchless panties.

“Something’s definitely getting screwed…”

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And for another sweltering hot roller-coaster ride? Check out: Quadruple Duty. Below you’ll find a preview of the incredibly sexy cover, plus the first several chapters so you can check it out for yourself.

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The asshole was a quarter of an hour late — fifteen long, ass-dragging minutes. No call, no text. Nothing. And as every girl who’s ever sat alone at a crowded bar knows, fifteen minutes can be an eternity and forever.

Just go.

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