Page 47 of Snowed In

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“I’m sure you notice lots of girls,” I told him nervously. “And lots of girls notice you too.”

He caught my gaze and held it for a moment before nodding. “Yes. That’s true.”

I blushed and shrugged. “So? I’m just one more girl. One more girl on campus walking to the library. One more girl who—”

His hands suddenly curled, his fingertips digging into my flesh. It didn’t hurt though. It felt absolutely electric.

And I could feel something else too. Something beneath me… rising up. Something firm. Hard…

“I watched you because you stand out, Morgan.” The way he said my name made me tingle. “Your intelligence. Your innocence. I liked to imagine these things as I watched you walking. Liked to picture this moment, when we might finally be face to face.”

His nose brushed mine. We were so close now I couldn’t stand it. My heart was thundering in my chest. My skin all stippled as my arms slid automatically over his shoulders.

“You’re a lot more than just ‘one more girl’,” said Boone. “You’re a woman I’ve had my eye on. Someone I’ve imagined holding… touching… kissing…”

Our lips slid against one another’s and I melted, dissolving into his arms.

“I always knew I’d have you,” Boone murmured, chuckling softly into my mouth. “I just never thought it would be in a place this perfect.”



Her kisses were even softer than I could’ve ever imagined. Innocent and sweet, yet laced with that hungry, wanton edge.

I wanted to tell her I’d imagined even more. That I’d imagined taking her. Fucking her. Staring through her eyes while being inside her, and then making a part of her mine forever as I filled her from within.

But I didn’t want to scare her. Hell, she was already trembling.

Instead I just savored the moment, letting it play out for all it was worth. My hands roamed every delicious curve of her body, from the warmth beneath the water to the goosebumped skin of her neck, her shoulders, her perfect breasts. This girl who I’d watched for so long. This girl I’d sort of made a game of in my head; putting her on a pedestal without even knowing her, without ever speaking to her in my entire life.

She could’ve been a total asshole. The biggest bitch on campus. She could’ve shattered my perfect little classroom fantasy of what she was like, which was why it had taken so long for me to actually meet her in person.

I didn’t want to spoil it. I had a feeling the fantasy would never live up to reality. That she’d be just like all the others; a party girl, a sorority type, or someone equally silly. Someone looking to hook up with a frat-boy for the sake of image, or out of boredom.

So far though, I was thrilled to be wrong.

I continued kissing her, slowly and tenderly, finally opening my mouth to admit her tender pink tongue. She was hungry. Starving. Like she hadn’t had a man in so, so long. I liked to imagine she hadn’t, and that I was the first one on campus to conquer such a delicate, beautiful flower. That I was kissing lips that hadn’t been kissed in ages, or at least, not kissed properly.


In the back of my mind though, I knew that was wrong.

I could tell by the way the others reacted that wasn’t the case. That at least one of them had taken her under his protective wing, and possibly even more than that. It made me jealous — fiercely jealous in fact — that I hadn’t been the one to get to her first. That in enjoying my unblemished fantasy of watching her from afar, I’d waited too long to make my move.

I’d booked the trip only because she’d signed for it. Besides, it sounded like fun. Six stops in eight days, so many towns, so many mountains. It was ironic that I’d come so far and yet still kept my distance. That only now, just before this absolute clusterfuck of a crisis, did I eventually make the decision to go after her.

But what’s that they always say? Everything happens for a reason?

This… I thought, feeling her writhe beneath my fingertips. This was the reason.

Morgan. I knew her name, but that’s all I knew about her. Now I knew her body as well. She gasped as I lifted her further into my lap, holding her steady until my growing erection rested perfectly against her tender opening. Our eyes met, and an ocean of understanding passed between us.

She trembled as she finally let go, lowering herself onto me with an adorable sigh. Sinking all the way down until I was embedded inside her, our bodies joined as one, flesh to flesh, man to woman.

“Oh God…”

Morgan buried her face in my shoulder as I sheathed myself in her tight, silky flesh. It was exactly as I wanted it to be. The fulfillment of every foolish daydream and stupid fantasy I’d ever had about her, this girl I didn’t even know, this girl who didn’t know me either. We were strangers, thrust together out of necessity. Dirty and hungry and lost to the point of imminent, even mortal danger.
