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“See that it doesn’t take too long, Commander Karn,” Sylvan said, his frown deepening. “You’re one of our best operatives and I don’t like leaving you in such a vulnerable position for any longer than I have to.”

“I’ll get things tied up as quickly as I can,” Karn promised. “I’ll message you with my device as soon as I’m ready for extraction.”

“Just be careful,” Sylvan warned him. “You know you’re in hostile territory there, Commander. If the Yonnites found out you were more than just a bodyslave or that the pain collar you’re wearing is a fake—”

“Karn, who are you talking to?”

Karn tapped the spy device on his nail quickly to end the conversation and turned to see Lilli standing in the doorway, yawning sleepily.

“I woke up and you were gone and then I thought I heard you talking to someone,” she said, rubbing her eyes.

“Just watching a vid,” Karn said easily, getting up from the couch where he’d been sitting. He was pretty sure she hadn’t seen the tiny holo of Commander Sylvan—if she had, she’d be a hell of a lot more upset.

“Well, I miss you.” Lilli yawned again. “Will you come to bed and hold me? I feel so lonely without you. Lonely and…and tingly,” she added, looking up at him from under her thick lashes.

Karn felt his heart and his cock throb at the same time. How was it that this curvy little female had gotten under his skin so quickly? How was it that he wanted her so much that he would delay extraction from a dangerous assignment just to spend a little more time with her?

“Tingly, hmmm?” he murmured, walking over to cup one breast in his palm and thumb the tight pink nipple lightly. “And what can I do to help you with that problem, little Mistress?”

Lilli nibbled her lower lip, her breath already coming short as he teased her pink peak idly.

“Well,” she said softly. “Maybe…maybe if you filled me with your cream again…”

“Mmm…” Karn leaned down to kiss her sweet lips. “But I just filled you right before you drifted off to sleep, baby.”

“I know.” Lilli looked down at her hands. “I’m sorry, Karn. It’s just that the tingling seems to be getting worse instead of better. And I just feel like I want you in me all the time.”

“Then it’s a good thing I want to be in you, all the time,” he murmured. Lifting her chin with one finger, he looked into her big brown eyes. “Hey, look at me, baby. You never need to be ashamed to ask for what you need,” he told her. “You know I love to make love with you.”

“I love it too,” Lilli confessed. “I was just hoping you wouldn’t get tired of me always wanting it.”

“Are you kidding me?” Karn chuckled. “I’ll never get tired of it—never get tired of you, Lilli.” He bent to kiss her again and then, looking into her eyes he murmured, “Now would you like me to lick your sweet pussy first or do you need me to fill you up again right away?”

Lilli’s cheeks got pink but she didn’t drop her eyes.

“I love it when you lick me, Karn,” she said softly. “But you know you, er, came in me not that long ago so I’m still kind of, uh, messy down there.”

“I know it—I’m the one who made you messy,” Karn growled, feeling his shaft surge again. “So why don’t you let me clean you up with my tongue before I come in you again, baby? Would you like that?”

Lilli’s blush deepened but she nodded eagerly.

“Oh yes, Karn—I’d love it.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Karn swooped her up into his arms and carried her back into the bedchamber.

He could decide what to tell her later, he told himself. Right now, she needed him to love her and that was all he wanted to think about at the moment…


Lilli couldn’t remember when she’d been more uncomfortable. The tingling that had been tormenting her all week had tripled, making her feel like her nipples and pussy were on fire with need—a need so deep and unrelenting she could barely stand it.

And it was all because of that second quick-grow hormone shot, she was sure of it.

“Now hold still, Lilli—this will only take a moment,” her mother had commanded the night before when she’d finally come back from her business trip.

Lilli had been hoping she would forget the second quick-grow shot, but she’d had no such luck. The minute her mother walked in the door, she’d insisted on getting out the second syringe and injecting the bright green, poisonous looking liquid into Lilli’s inner thigh. She’d barely even stopped to say hello first!

“Now, you’re ready to conceive,” she’d said, nodding with approval as Lilli winced at the bite of the many tiny sharp needles. “You’re scheduled at the Primary conception center in Opulex tomorrow at three sharp, so see that you’re not late.”
