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"Why? I mean, the appetizer was good, but I can get that sort of good from Kellen any day of the week."

Which actually wasn't true, but hey, it certainly never hurt to remind him that Kellen was on the scene and was a true rival. Because he was a wolf. Because he could give me what Quinn never could.

His gaze tightened imperceptibly and I resisted the temptation to smile.

"You will never achieve the sort of intimacy I'm talking about with Kellen."

"How the hell do you know that? You have no idea what goes on between Kellen and me."

"I know, because the sort of intimacy I'm talking about can only be achieved between telepaths."

"And why would that be?"

"Because dropping your shields so that spirits dance means you are placing yourself completely open to the other person. There are no secrets, no hiding, no lies. Just you, your lover, and the emotion and truths that lay between you." He hesitated, and I had a feeling he was about to add something else, then thought the better of it. "It comes down to trust, complete trust."

"Which means we can never go any further than we already have, because I don't fully trust you." And probably never would after his stupid mind-raid for information.

He didn't say anything, just sort of glowered at me. I pulled away from Kade. He didn't move, didn't react. "Release him, Quinn."

The words were barely out of my mouth when Kade blinked, and a pleased smile stretched his lips. He stepped up beside me and put a propriety arm around my shoulders. Which annoyed me almost as much as Quinn's continuing insistence I would play things his way. Eventually.

But before I could say anything, the main stable door cracked open and the cold night air filtered in again. Quinn disappeared in an instant, the night and darkness swallowing him whole. Kade stepped back, shifted shape once again, then pressed in beside me to peer over the stall door. I wrapped the shadows around myself and listened to the light puff of breathing that belonged to the person down the far end.

After a moment, footsteps echoed. Soft steps, neither hurried or cautious, just a steady click of sound. I blinked. Those steps were from heels, high heels, not the work boots I'd seen the guards wearing. Whoever approached was female, not male. Not a guard. Someone else.

The night air stirred around me, bringing with it the teasing hints of jasmine and orange. And with those scents came the sense of something else - something not human, not even nonhuman, but something altogether different, altogether dangerous. A Fravardin. Tension slithered from my limbs. I flicked on the com-link so Jack could hear whatever was about to happen, then stepped up to the door and peered past Kade.

Dia walked toward us, her flowing white dress hugging her curvaceous figure and shining almost as brightly as her white hair in the shadowy darkness. Kade snorted softly, and it was an appreciative sound if ever I'd heard one.

Resisting the urge to smile, I let then shadows fall away from me and said, "You looking for me?"

She jumped, ever so slightly, then her powerful gaze centered on mine and again I was struck by the notion that this was not a woman you ever wanted to get on the wrong side of. And not just because of the unseen creature who gave her sight and kept her safe.

"Yes." She paused. "Why are you hiding in the stalls?"

"I'm in the stables because there's no one here at night, and in the stall in case a guard happens to walk by. And there's no microphones around here, so it's reasonably safe to report back to my boss. Why were you looking forme?"

"Because there have been changes since we last talked." She stopped several feet away, took a breath, then let it out slowly. "The timetable has been stepped up. He no longer plans to wait until Gautier has taken over the guardian division to attempt his cartel takeover."

We needed that like we needed a hole in the head. "What's happened?"

"He has been hosting not only his generals, but generals from some of the rival cartels. He has convinced them of his desire to work in unison with them to form an Australian-wide alliance that will profit all. The leaders of those cartels are coming here in two days' time for merger discussions."

Her information confirmed two things - that I'd read Merle's mind correctly, and that she was being as helpful as she could. "How many cartels are we talking about?"

"Three of the six."

"Half of them," Jack murmured. "It would be a damn good start to wiping out organized crime in Melbourne if we caught them all."

But it still left another three - and those three would undoubtedly step into the breach left by the other cartels' removal.

Still, taking half out was better than none.

"Two days doesn't give us a lot of time, especially since they are watching the new arrivals closely."

"I know, and I'm sorry, but there is nothing much I can do."

"Except give us information."
