Page 24 of Ruthless Monarch

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Her shock is audible as she gasps. “We are?”

“We are.”

“I-I . . .” Her face is a ghostly white.

“You thought I would give you more time?” I chide, toying with her. Ever since I found out she can give as good as she gets, I enjoy our banter. I enjoy eliciting reactions from her. She’s fun to play with. A new shiny toy in my collection of pretty things.

“I just—Can’t we wait a few days?” she squeaks.

I turn in my chair to face her. Her beautiful lush lips are trembling. I should feel bad for her . . .

I don’t.

Yes, she’s gotten stuck in the crossfire of a war she didn’t ask for, but that ship has sailed. There is no point in treating her with kid gloves. She is bound to me now.

Life won’t be easy on her.

The faster she finds out, the better.

“No. We’ll go tomorrow.”

I turn back to Lorenzo, dismissing her.

Giana decides to walk in the door at that exact moment, which is good because she will keep her distracted.

“What’s the plan?” Lorenzo asks me.

“I’ll show up.”


I lift my own glass, take a swig, and then answer. “No better way to show up somewhere.”

“And backup?”

Placing my drink down. “I won’t need it.”

He lifts a brow, and I understand his wanting to object. With everything going on, I know he’s right, but instead of saying it, I level him with my stare. “My men will escort me. But yes, I’ll be going in alone. I can handle myself. Nothing will happen to me in his house.”

“I never said you couldn’t. Will you tell your cousin?”

Salvatore. Will I tell him I stole his bride?

“No. He can find out with everyone else.”

Lorenzo chuckles. “And when will that be?”

“We will leak the story to the press. Let him stew over it.”

“He’s going to be pissed.”

“Probably. But he’s a resourceful ass. Just because we took away this opportunity doesn’t mean he won’t find another way to get port access. I need a meeting with the governor of New York.”

The alliance with New York has been a key component to my success over the years.

I can’t afford to lose that.

As the servers begin to serve food and more beverages, I study my wife.

She seems more relaxed now. Much more than when she is talking to me. It seems she and my cousin have formed some sort of bond.

I’ll allow it for now.

As long as my cousin doesn’t try to interfere.

“What time will we be going?” I hear Viviana ask me.

I don’t look at her. “Seven.”


“Yes, I want to take them off guard.”

I don’t know why I divulge that piece of the puzzle, but she shakes her head.

“Then you’ll want to do it a bit earlier. My father indulges my mother with a ‘family meal’”—she air quotes—“that is before he leaves the house at eight.”

“Six it is,” I say.

She turns back to Giana, and I turn back to Lorenzo.

“We will go at 4:30.” My voice is low to make sure she can’t hear me.

“Any reason?” he asks.


“Precaution? Do you not trust her?”

“Not even a little.”

In the corner of my eye, I continue to look at her. Although I made her do this, she came too willingly, so you never can be too careful.

When dinner is done, I stand from the chair. My hand reaches out to take Viviana’s in mine.

She allows it, but I can feel her body stiffen at the contact. I have no plans to touch my wife tonight, but she doesn’t know it. I could put her out of her misery already and tell her, but what fun would that be?

Not many things in my life bring me any semblance of joy, yet for some reason, taunting her does.

I like to see the fire in her eyes. I like to see the way she holds herself back. The strength that takes. Most would look at it as weak.

But not my wife.

I can tell there is a spine of steel in that lovely, pale back of hers.

She’s biding her time.

But for what, I’m not sure.

I’m going to find out, and I’m going to have fun while I do.



* * *

We walk together, hand in hand. It’s surreal being here with him. It’s even more nerve-wracking how much my life has changed. Since I don’t know my way around this, what one could only call a castle, I allow him to lead me. In my life, I have always lived in beautiful homes. The governor’s mansion was my most recent. Even though it wasn’t for a long time, I did live there briefly. But that mansion has nothing on Matteo’s home.

Being here is like being in a palace.

Okay, maybe not quite as large, but still, this isn’t a normal size home for someone.

It feels weird to walk with him, weird to have a fake smile plastered on my face. I want to drop the false pretense, but I’m not sure who knows the truth here, and I can’t run the risk of creating more enemies.
