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Our first dance was the first I’d ever shared with a wife. Always before I’d found ways to avoid doing this with Judy. Except for that first time, I’ve gone out of my way to remove myself from the wedding as much as possible. Mostly I pretended to be hurt on that day.

Tonight, will be my first joyous wedding night, the only one I’ve ever looked forward to. All of these thoughts went through my head as I watched our guests from my place beside her.

“You look beautiful. The most beautiful bride!” She still had that light in her eyes when she looked up at me and I hope it never fades. Tomorrow we were leaving on our wedding trip.

First we’d fly out to England so she could visit the old castles and palaces she’s fascinated with and from there we’d board our private yacht to cruise the Mediterranean. My promise to show her all the places I once visited will finally be fulfilled.

As the night drew on and well-wishers surrounded us my angst grew less and less. Each time we do something different I’m always afraid that something would go wrong.

So as much as I’d wanted this for her, I was still ever mindful. That night after the last of our guests had departed and mom packed up the baby to take home with her, I knew she was tired.

“You’ve had a long day, but there’s somewhere I want to take you if you’d let me.”

“Of course, just help me out of this dress.” She turned her back and I undid the hundred and one buttons down her back.

The gown had been made to my specifications, in the style of the time we first met. The Basque waistline barely hid her rounded tummy. But the many gathered ruffles of the silk skirt drew the eye away.

The gems on the bodice were genuine, pearls, diamonds and the palest blue topaz and aquamarine stones.

The necklace around her neck had been made for her as well. The heart cut diamonds with the robin’s egg sized topaz to match her eyes. I hadn’t left any detail to chance.

When she was down to her undergarments I threw the jacket of my tux across the bed next to her gown and found my robe to wrap around her before lifting her in my arms.

Outside I headed for the stables instead of the garage. Once inside I saddled up my horse and helped her mount before climbing on behind her.

Wrapping my arms protectively around her I moved slowly through the night.

I’d already had everything prepared in advance and she cried out with joy when we came to the blanket that had been spread beneath our favorite tree.

There were lanterns lit to give light and a basket with light fare since neither of us had really eaten at the reception.

I helped her down and carried her to the blanket, laying her down there before coming down beside her.

“When did you plan all this?” She looked around at the magnolia blossoms in vases, tied with blue ribbon and the little stuff puppy that was like all the others I’ve gotten her over the years.

I had another surprise for her when we return to the states. I’d wanted to get her-her puppy before now, but the breeder didn’t have any as yet and would only be ready in a few weeks. That was one of the casualties of my fiddling with time.

I reached over her to the cooler and lifted the bottle of punch. “Since you can’t drink, I had them make your favorite punch.” The punch was just a blend of fruit juices with added sugar and lemon, but it has always been her favorite thing to drink.

There was a fire going to ward off the night’s chill but I sat her on my lap with my arms around her to keep her warm as she drank. I was too excited to eat or drink anything, but I was ever mindful of the children in her womb.

I fed her grapes and the fried chicken, which for some reason are the only things she seems fond of during her pregnancy. “Had enough?” She nodded her head and I wiped her hands clean before putting the food basket away.

Opening the robe, I looked down at her ripe body in the flimsy white lacy lingerie. The garters that held up her white stockings were threaded with blue ribbon the color of her eyes.

I don’t know why the sight of them against her creamy skin should incite me to such lust but they did. Reaching between her thighs I pulled at the snaps that kept her from me and placed myself between her thighs.

My cock was already hard enough to drive into her, but I wanted to taste her first. She was already wet and ready for me and I reveled in the taste of her on my tongue; my wife.
