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This isn’t how I pictured tonight going. I thought I’d show up and tease him and then end up leaving the same way I always do. But something has changed—it’s as if Brandon isn’t fighting that need inside him that I knew was there all along. But should I allow him to take me so easily? One touch of my pussy and I let him have me? I want him more than I want my next breath, but I’m not easy, and I’m nobody’s plaything. My feelings for him are for life, and I won’t let him think he can appease me and my desires by teasing me. This means everything to me. I’m not some quick fling. He could break my heart into a million pieces if I’m not careful.

I may talk a strong game, but I don’t know how I’d ever come back from having Brandon for a few beautiful, wonderful days, only for him to walk away from me. He’d ruin me. I’ve got myself good and mad in a matter of moments, and I don’t feel much like hanging out anymore. I take my almost empty plate and stand up. This isn’t a game to me. Maybe I was playing a game when I got here, but I’ve clearly bitten off more than I can chew.

“Thanks for a great dinner, guys, but I’ve got an early start tomorrow,” I say to the table.

Brandon stands up beside me with his own plate. He takes mine and stacks it. “Dinner was great, MJ. Thank you.”

Everyone says goodbye as Brandon grabs my elbow and leads me back into the house. I don’t want to cause a scene, so I let him, but as soon as we are in the kitchen, I jerk free of his hold. He slowly places the dishes in the sink, and I back away from him. There is a tightness in his shoulders, at the big muscle that connects to his neck. It’s the place I want to taste the most. I want to bite down on it as he takes me.

I shake that thought out of my head and take another step back as he turns to look at me through hooded eyes.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you later,” I say, trying to act like I’m not afraid and turned on by what he could do next. Trying to play it cool.

“Dolly.” The way he says my name, it’s like a warning. “You’re not going anywhere but with me.”

His words piss me off, and I find myself getting mad all over again.

“What makes you think I want to go with you? I’ve been after you like a lost puppy dog since I was sixteen. Now you decide you want a piece of my pussy and you think I’ll just go along with it? You know, I always thought you had a big dick, but you must have a set of balls the size of Texas to assume I’d be so desperate for attention. That I’d just give in and take the scraps you threw my way.”

He’s on me before I can take a breath, throwing me over his shoulder and storming out of the house. I scream and start hitting his back, but he keeps going, stomping across the yard. When he stops, I hear a truck door open, and he puts me inside before slamming it shut. I go to grab the handle, but he takes his keys out and clicks the locks. I watch as he walks away, and I beat on the glass, yelling at his back. After a second I see him disappear into the shadows and I’m left alone.

“What in the fuck just happened?” I ask myself as I blow a red curl out of my face.



Storming back into the house, I go straight for the bag I brought over tonight. I wasn’t real sure how things would go. Mary-Jane is standing off to the side of the living room, just staring at me, and I know she wants to say something. It’s written all over her face. Not that I blame her. I probably look like I’m about to lose it, something I never do. I’m always calm and in control, but Dolly knows how to shatter that.

“Dolly can run her mouth like one of the boys,” she finally says, and a smile pulls at my lips, knowing how true that is. Dolly grew up surrounded by men—her smart mouth is evidence of that. It’s something I’ve always loved about my little lamb. She says what she’s thinking and goes for what she wants.

There is no reading between the lines with her. You piss her off and you know it, along with anyone within a mile of her.

“That said, she’s all woman at heart. She cares about everyone and everything. People who care like that have soft hearts. You hear what I’m saying?” Mary-Jane adds.

I more than hear what she’s saying. I need to take care not to hurt her heart. She’d shatter a whole lot easier than most would think. I’ve always known that Dolly is all heart. It’s apparent in everything she does.

“I’m going to spend the rest of my life making up the past few years to her. Fixing any hurt I might have caused her if I made her think that I didn’t want her, even for one moment.”

“Good. I’d like to have a little niece or nephew soon.” With that, she turns and leaves me standing in the living room. Images of my little lamb swollen with our child flash through my mind and almost bring me to my knees. My feelings are too frayed right now to be thinking about that. To think about having a family. I’ve never had before. One like Dolly grew up with, where everyone cares about and loves each other. The only thing I’ve ever known of a family was a drunken father who’d been a better father to me dead than he was alive. I know with Dolly, I’d have it all. The kind of family a man like me can only dream about. The kind I never in my life thought I could have.

Running my hand across my face, I try to get myself back under control before I go out and face Dolly once again. We need to talk about that fucking outfit, how it was fucking up my intentions tonight. I’ve got the smell of her pussy all over my hand, and I’m dying with need. She has me so wound up tonight, I already feel like I’m about to explode as it is.

I still can’t fucking believe I did that at the table with everyone sitting around. I don’t know what came over me, but the need to touch her was too strong. I’d seen all of Ty’s ranch hands looking at her, and I needed a reminder that she was mine. Only mine to touch. Something to cool my edge and keep me from punching someone right in the mouth for even looking her way.

I sat there talking to Chuck while I played with her pussy. I can’t even remember a goddamn thing he and I talked about. But when I felt Dolly’s little pussy pushing towards a climax, it was like a load of cold water was dumped on me. It was then I remembered where I was and what I was doing.

No one sees that shit but me. I’ve waited fucking years for this moment, and I’m not sharing it with anyone. That shit is mine, just like she is going to be, and I am going to savor watching her cum for the first time. I’ve spent too many years fighting this pull to her, thinking it was wrong, and now that I’m letting go, I don’t think I’ll be able to share her attention very well. Probably won’t even let her out of the bedroom for a month, soaking up every drop I can get. That’s the only thing that’s going to calm me down at this point. Getting her all to myself for a while.

When she first got out of the truck tonight, I felt like someone had punched me right in the gut. I’ve never in my life seen her dress like that before. I couldn’t deal with it. Then when I found out some of the hands were coming over, I had to pull myself away to the bathroom to get myself under control.

All I really got was my dick in my hand as I tried to take the edge off all the lust I was feeling. I barely stroked myself and I was cumming all over my hand. Dolly sure as fuck wasn’t a kid anymore. The girl who showed up tonight was all woman and looking for one thing. I’m just not so sure she was happy when she got it, because she tore out of here fucking pissed, thinking she could get away from me.

Oh, Dolly is about to get what she’s been asking for all these years. The floodgates are open, and nothing will stop me from having her now. Not even her.



He’s back faster than I expected, with a duffel bag thrown over his shoulder and a hard look on his face. He throws it in the back of the truck and then comes around to the driver’s side and gets in.

“Brandon, what in the damn hell are you doing? Let me out of this truck,” I snap at him, but there’s no real power behind my words. I didn’t even try to get out when he stormed back in the house. I don’t know if it was because I was still stunned or because I didn’t want to test him.

“Nope,” he says, not looking at me as he cranks it up and pulls out of Ty’s driveway.

I cross my arms and let out a huff, and it only takes me a moment to realize where we are headed.

“You’re taking me home?” I nearly screech. Well, isn’t that just a big fuck off. His jealousy is so thick he wants to make sure that my ass is at home. Alone.

He doesn’t speak as he gets out, grabs his duffel bag, and throws it over one shoulder. He comes to my side and unlocks the door. I protest, and he rolls his eyes, pulling me out and throwing me over his other shoulder like I weigh nothing.

“You put me down right this second or I swear to God, I’ll call my brothers and have them get your ass off my land.” I throw the threat at him.


My ass burns, and I let out a squeak. I can’t believe he just spanked me! A whole new side of Brandon showed up tonight, and I’m not sure what to do with this.

“Simmer down, little lamb. We’re going to have a chat.”

I bite my lip because as much as that hurt, I kind of liked it, and I’m afraid if he does it again, I might moan.

He unlocks my front door and carries me inside, kicking the door shut and then setting the alarm.

“How did you know the code?” I pause as my thoughts catch up. “Hey! You have a freaking key?!” I ask, seriously worried about my security here.

“There’s not a fucking thing I don’t know about you.”

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