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“Gross. Too far, Luce,” Dolly says, holding up her hand in a stop motion. “I will say, I’ve never seen him smitten over a woman before. Not that many haven’t tried to get his attention, but he’s never responded. But you, oh, he’ll be having you it seems.”

I sit up and start to tell her something else, but I do it too fast and my head swims from all the quick tequila. As I'm about to tip out of my stool, a set of hands grabs my arms a little too tight and pulls me to stand before I can hit the ground.

I feel my stomach roll as I look up into the eyes of a stranger.

“I’ve got you, baby.” The man pulls me even snugger to him. “Let’s dance.”

His whiskey-laced breath hits me, and I want to vomit. The stench of cigarettes comes second, and I don’t know how much longer I can keep the tequila down. He moves against me, and I shove at him, wanting him away from me. His hands are digging into my arms.

“Get your hands off me you—”

Before I can finish my sentence, I’m out of his grasp and safely beside Dolly. Blake is in front of me, and all I can hear is the sound of a loud crack and then a thud as the stranger hits the floor. He’s laid out cold. The band stops playing, and I see Blake’s back moving like he’s breathing hard. His shoulders rise and fall rapidly as he stares down at what he’s just done.

“Holy shit. I’ve never seen Blake lose his temper,” I hear Dolly say. “She as good as roped.” She giggles the last part. I don’t even look over at her. I’m unable to take my eyes off Blake.

The whole room falls silent, and the bar patrons all look at Blake. When Blake turns around to face me, there is an edge of anger on his face, but it’s not directed at me. When he reaches out I go to him without a second thought, knowing he can make me feel better. Simply being near him soothes me. Like coming home when you’re not feeling good. I might have had too many margaritas, but my body knows he’s a safe place.

“Jimmy. We’re gonna talk later about you serving them,” Blake says over the top of my head.

I glance over at Dolly, and the guy from earlier is behind her. “I’ll give Dolly a ride home, Blake. Make sure she gets there safe.”

“Thanks, Brandon, I’d appreciate it,” Blake says to the guy, and I see Dolly cross her arms. “You sure it’s not too far out of your way?”

“No, it’s fine. Anything to get a break from the Johnson farm. You know how June is.” Brandon rolls his eyes, and Dolly purses her lips at the mention of this June girl. Brandon grabs a hold of her and they walk away.

“Let me take you home,” Blake says, making me looking up at him.

“Yeah. I think I’ve had enough fun for one night.” I glance down at the guy on the floor. He’s still out cold. Nobody has come over to help him up, and I can’t say I’m sorry about it. The band starts playing again like nothing happened. Thank God Blake got here when he did.

To my surprise, Blake scoops me up in his arms, and I lean into his chest, smelling his familiar scent of leather and sunshine. It makes my head stop spinning, and suddenly I’m so tired I can’t hold my eyes open.

In fact, I’m not able to open them again until I feel Blake shifting me around and picking me up again. It’s then I realize we’re back at the farm and he’s carrying me into the house.

“I don’t feel so good, Blake. Can you lie down with me?” I don’t know where my boldness comes from, but it’s the truth. The tequila has gone straight to my head, and I don’t want to be alone. I also know he doesn't want to, either.

I’ve only been drunk one other time, when Fernanda and I snuck some gin from my dad's liquor cabinet, and I swore I’d never drink again after I spent the next day throwing up. I guess I didn’t learn my lesson so well.

“Wasn’t planning on letting you be alone tonight, Lucy.” The use of my nickname makes me smile. His jealousy tonight showed me one thing is certain. He wants me. Everyone always says Blake is the calm and funny one of the Jennings brothers, but tonight he snapped. He didn’t like seeing another man touch me, and something in me liked that. I inspire passion in him, and he’s doing the same to me. He’s making me feel things I’ve never felt before.

“Nobody calls me Lucy but you,” I mumble against his chest. My eyes are heavy again as I let him carry me.

But before sleep takes me fully, I feel his lips on my forehead. “I’m gonna be calling you more than that real soon.”

Chapter 9


“Oh God, are you naked?”

I close my eyes and then open them again, trying to see if I’m dreaming. I’ve been having trouble distinguishing with all the visions I’ve been having. The moon streams in from the windows and the glow lights up her skin. Her hair is undone and hanging all around her. She giggles a sweet throaty laugh as she leans down, pressing her bare body against me. I inwardly curse myself for not having at least taken my shirt off before I crawled into bed with her last night. I climbed in fully clothed and wrapped myself around her.

I thought the more I had separating us, the better. Now I’m questioning everything. I sure as hell didn’t expect to wake up to my woman straddling me. Naked. In fact, I thought I might wake to a hellcat who was pissed I stormed into the bar and punched someone just for touching her.

As if reading my mind, she slides her hands under my shirt and drags it up my torso. Her lips follow suit, trailing soft kisses as she works her way up my body. Tentative as first, but each one starts to linger longer, her tongue coming out for a taste of me. I reach out, wrapping one hand in her thick hair, grabbing as much of it as I can hold. I’ve fantasized about doing that from the first moment I saw her.

“Tell me I’m not dreaming.” My words sound pained. She takes a little bite of my chest, making me jerk. I close my eyes tight, trying to keep from cumming. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d woken up from a dream of her straddling me and discovering I’d cum on myself.

“That feel like a dream?” She looks up at me, and I hate that it’s dark and I can’t fully see her eyes. I bring my other hand to her hair and start to pull her towards me. I sit up to meet her halfway and our mouths connect, molding together like we’ve been doing it forever.

She moans into my mouth, and all control snaps. I have her on her back and beneath me before I even tell my body what to do. I can’t stop myself. I deepen the kiss, wanting to get as far inside her as I can. Wanting to taste every inch of her. Needing it more than I’ve ever needed anything.

She grinds her body against me, making it clear what she wants. I pull back and look down at her. Her eyes are wide, and seeing her naked beneath me is almost my undoing.

“Más,” she says, asking for more. Then she moves under me, moaning. I wonder if she’s still a little drunk. We could have only been asleep a few hours. I want her to remember our f

irst time together, but I can give her more.

“I’ve got you, mi alma.” She gasps as I call her my soul. “I know what you need, and I’ll give it to you.”

I take her nipple into my mouth as she digs her fingers into my hair. I suck and lick the tight peak before moving to the next. My hands roam her body, wanting to touch every part of her.

She says my name in breathy moans, and it makes cum leak out of my cock. He’s begging for a taste of her for himself, but this is about her. My sweet Luciana. Everything would always be about making her happy, giving her anything she wants, to make her need me. I want her to crave my touch and to bind her to me so she’ll never leave.

I make my way down her body, giving her small kisses like she did me. Her legs spread wide, but her hips keep moving. She wants this as much as I do. I curse myself again for not having flipped on the nightstand light. I want to see all of her. Every inch exposed to me.

“Blake, please. I…” she trails off, the need thick in her voice.

I slide my hands under her ass, lifting her pussy to my mouth. I take one long lick, tasting every part of her, before circling her clit and taking it into my mouth. I suck gently and her body jerks as she screams out my name. Her legs tense, and she grips my hair tighter as she climaxes.

I grunt as I feel her release, and then I do the same, cumming in my jeans. We were both so close to the edge, this little taste was all it took to send us over. This has happened hard and fast with us, so I’m not surprised this was any different. It’s like we’ve been walking through the desert and we’re drinking water for the first time. I can’t get enough.

But what runs deeper between us has been building a lot longer than tonight. The tease of the last few months is crashing down around us. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one. All this waiting for her to get here has been torture. But as she cums against my mouth and I cum into my pants, I know it was all worth it. I hump the bed shamelessly, not caring how pathetic this might make me look, because it’s the best orgasm of my life.

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