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"You ought to be scared," he whispers in my ear. What?

"Go in there. Tell them you're going to your friend's house. Then you come right back here to me."

Releasing me, he takes a step back and points toward the other room. I quickly weigh my options.

I could tell him no and straight out defy him. Report him to my father, or the police even. This is probably what I should do. I could run from him.

Or I could do what he says.

Could I have been blind to who he really was, after all these years? I thought he was my protector, and now...

Tears well in my eyes, but I do what he says, making my way toward the bar where my father is having a final drink, saying good-bye to his friends. I paste on a fake smile.

"I'm spending the night at Emily's," I tell him. "She's invited me to go to her beach house for a few days. Okay?"

My father polishes his drink off, his eyes blood-shot and unfocused.

"Nicolai knows?"

Oh, Nicolai knows.

"Yeah," I say, a lump rising in my throat. My voice is high-pitched and a little squeaky. "He knows."

"Be good," he says, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

Maybe the implied threat in Nicolai's tone is only in my head. For years and years, he's been the one constant in my life, and even though he drives me crazy, he's done nothing but take care of me.

While I grew from childhood into adulthood, with all the awkward phases in between. And now, what is his purpose with me?

I take out my phone and shoot Laina a quick text, too. She felt badly she couldn't be at my graduation today. I want to confide in her. She's like a sister to me, and she knows Nicolai well, since he's her brother.

Heading to Emily's. See you soon?

But she doesn't respond.

Nicolai stands like he always does. Brooding and stern, his arms crossed, watching me. Wordlessly, he unfolds his arms and points to the floor beside him.

I inhale sharply. A silent command to come.

Feeling like I'm making a decision that will affect the direction of my entire life, I walk to him on shaky legs. He doesn't even wait for me to reach him, but takes me by the hand and leads me to an exit at the far end of the hall. A running car awaits.

I begin to panic.

"Nicolai..." I whisper, shaking my head. "I can't..."

"Don't make this harder than it needs to be," he says out of the side of his mouth. "I swear to God, Marissa. Come with me. Walk quietly."

He quickens his pace. I fall into step beside him, swallowing the lump in my throat. I'm scared. So fucking scared. Then we're out the door and he's opening the passenger door. Something tells me if I set foot in that car, nothing will ever be the same again. That going with him now will change the course of my life forever.

"No," I tell him. I shake my head. "You're scaring me. Nicolai, no." I turn away from him, but don't get far. In one swift motion, he grabs me by the back of the neck like an errant puppy and hauls me over to the car. I try to twist out of his grip, but he's too fast. Why, of all nights, does the parking lot have to be vacant? I try to move away, but he effortlessly lifts me in his arms, carrying me like I'm a baby. I should scream, but panic freezes my voice, and I can't make a sound.

The door opens and I hear a car approach us. I crane my head to look, but he pulls me to his chest. I can't breathe or speak.

"Too much to drink," he says to someone over his shoulder with a laugh. "Silly girl."

The other person laughs in response, and then he's bending down and buckling me in. I try to squirm and get out of his grip, but he quickly overpowers me and shuts the door. The second he's gone, I fumble with the locks, trying to unfasten it. This isn't right, something is so wrong, and I don't know what to do, but he's fastened the lock in such a way I can't open the door.

It's late out, and the parking lot is cloaked in darkness. For one wild minute, I wonder if he's done something to the lighting so he can take me away unseen. I look to him then out the window again. I could call someone. Laina? I could text someone, even. But I still don't really know what he's planning on doing.

He sits in the driver's seat, then drives out of the parking lot.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demand. I'm doing my best to keep full-fledged panic from taking over. I still trust this man.
