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“Hey yourself,” I replied, turning my head up for a kiss.

God, how I’d missed him.

Crazy, I knew. He’d run out to the store to grab something for dinner, and I’d been too tired to go, so I opted to stay put.

Well, there was a bit more to it than that. I thought about the little piece of plastic sitting on the coffee table that Sonny had yet to look at—something I was counting on.

“The food will wait,” he growled, pushing me down onto the couch and following so he could kiss me even more deeply.

The man had the most adorable way of ignoring everything but me when he walked into the room.

He nuzzled my neck and trailed kisses down my shoulder, tugging on the neck of my shirt to reach more skin. He was insatiable, and I loved that about him.

“Sonny?” I murmured, angling my body to grant him better access.

“Mmm,” he murmured, lifting the hem so he could get to my needy, throbbing breasts.

“Oh God, Sonny, that feels good,” I said when he squeezed my breasts together and licked each nipple quickly back and forth and making my core throb with need.

“Tastes good, too.”

“Mmm,” I replied, falling under his spell way faster than I meant to. “Um, Sonny? Remember when you promised you had a question for me but wanted to wait till I was ready?”

That got his attention. He stopped pulling my panties down my legs and looked up, dark eyes glittering dangerously in the dimly lit room.

“Yes. I remember. Are you saying?—”

“I’m saying, I think you better ask me that question before I don’t fit in any of the dresses I’ve been looking at,” I said, biting my lip and raising my eyebrows.

“Wait. What? Why would you not fit?—”

He stopped talking. My gorgeous as fuck boyfriend stopped talking and fell backwards on his ass.

He looked to the side.


Then he saw it. He picked up the stick, his eyes bugging as he read it for a good ninety seconds.

“Del? Del! Is this real? OHMYFUCKIGNGOD! Is this real? A baby? You and me?”

I nodded, happy tears falling down my cheeks as Sonny pulled me into a fierce hug.

“A baby? My Baby’s having our baby! OUR BABY, DEL! YES! Del, I love you so fucking much,” he cried and kissed me, rocking me back and forth.

Our kiss turned heated, and we made love right there on the floor, celebrating each other, and our good news. And when we lay sweating with matching stupid happy grins on our faces, Sonny reached around the floor and grabbed his jeans, searching the pockets.

Then he did it. He rolled onto his knees and held out a beautiful sapphire ring surrounded by diamonds.

“Delani Whitman, you’ve had me on my knees since the day I saw you. You’ve given me more than anyone has ever given me, and I swear I will spend the rest of my life doing anything to make you and our children happy, safe, and secure. You are the love of my fucking life, woman. Will you marry me?”

I was so choked up I could hardly say the word, but I managed it.

Of course I did!

“Yes. YES! I will marry you, Sonny.”

Then I jumped on him, and as always, Sonny caught me.

I’d found my perfect man, and it didn’t even take three dates for me to know it was him. Sonny was it for me, and if I was going to spend forever loving him and being loved by him.

Maybe that would be long enough.

The end.
