Page 53 of Leather Dreams

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“Tonight is the night for firsts.” In a way, that’s his form of reassurance, just like I did for him. We mirror the overall hesitation in one another, but we also reflect passion for one another.

Odd as it may seem, I actually do think I could be falling for him. Since the fall out of everything, he’s been nothing but supportive. Yes, there was the whole spiel of him being a double agent, but on the other side of the coin, he really wasn’t. I was angry. Leather had been missing for just over three days when he came back, and we didn’t have anything to figure out where she could be. Once Tornado explained it all…it just made sense. I wish I could say it was hard for me to forgive him, but it really wasn’t. My heart was already making room for him when it happened, and I’m just not one to hold grudges. The way he looks at me, holds me, assures me that everything is going to be alright…

If I’m being honest with myself, I think I have already started to fall.

“Did I lose you?” He mutters, bending down to catch my gaze again. Shaking my head, I stare at his brightly lit eyes. There’s a glint in them that I feel within myself. Maybe I’m hallucinating, but I will stay on this side of reality.

“I’m right here.” Standing straight, our lips graze one another, and we kiss like the world is on fire. Sparks fly between us and electricity burns brightly as we succumb to one another. “I want you to make love to me.” He freezes momentarily, his hands grasping my hips tightly as he pulls me impossibly closer. While he doesn’t acknowledge what I said with his words, he slowly turns us then gently pushes me onto the bed. Falling backward, he leaves me there to strip himself down.

One of these times I will have to make sure to do that for him. His own cock springs outward as he drags his jeans down his toned body. Mouth watering, it takes everything in me not to do exactly as he did and spring for a taste.

“I want to make love to you, worship your body, but I want to make it special. You’ll need to prepare, and I doubt you’ve ever had anything up there.” My cheeks go bright red, but he’s right. Good thing is that it sets up the mood for the following times we’ll have together. “Have you ever had your ass eaten?” Choking on saliva, I swear I get even redder. I can’t speak, so I nod gingerly. It was a long time ago, but I definitely enjoyed it when she rimmed my ass with her finger. “Words, Knuckles,” he demands, his eyes boring into mine.

“Onyx,” I breathe out, my throat constricting as he fists me once again. “When it’s just us, call me Onyx.” For a few moments, he looks shocked. Given names are practically sacred in the club world.

“Onyx,” he purrs, my name rolling off his tongue like the finest wine. A shiver wracks my body as his hot mouth is back on my cock. Sucking me deeper into his mouth, he scoops wetness on his finger and gently probs my tight hole. I grapple to grab onto something, anything. Finally landing with one hand in his hair and the other in the sheets, I fist them tightly. He groans against me, and the impending orgasm that’s been slowly working its way through my body threatens to take over.

“I’m going to cum,” I announce, my muscles tightening harshly. He grunts, his finger shoving into my ass quickly. Exploding, the backs of my eyes are pure white and stars flicker around me. My whole damn body is tingling with mind-numbing pleasure. It’s unlike anything I have felt before.

It’s equivalent to what I felt when it was Leather, Tornado, and I, but this is a different type of ecstasy. One that I definitely don’t want to let go of anytime soon.

Not knowing how much time has passed, I open my eyes to find Tornado already has me situated on his side. We’re both naked, his breathing already evened out.

Sighing happily, the hollowness that was in my chest isn’t nearly as big or as deep as it was this morning.

I’m just praying that everything tomorrow will go smoothly.

Chapter Forty-Two



Pacing the doorway to my room, I can’t stop thinking about last night. At first, it was easy to ignore the slight chatter from next door. Then as the night progressed, the noises got more…explicit. I wanted to bang on the wall and yell at them to shut up. I also wanted to barge into their room and join in on the fun. It’s a catch twenty-two, that’s for damn sure.

Instead of doing either of those, I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling until I couldn’t anymore. Now, it’s morning and we’re meeting in the dining hall at ten-thirty. It’s only ten o’clock, but there’s an itch that started in my body that can only be scratched by at least one of three people.

A knock on my door startles me from my pacing. Opening it, Daryn is on the other side with a cup of coffee.

“If you keep pacing any longer, you’ll burn a hole in my carpets,” he scolds sarcastically. I gawk at him. “Dude, I’m not an idiot. Your mind was pacing last night after I told you to go to bed. The woman of your dreams is being rescued today, you’re nervous. It’s inevitable.” Huffing, I cross my arms over my chest.

“What do you want?”

“I was going to invite you to have breakfast in the office with me so we can go over the game plan for the presentation, but that attitude isn’t doing you any favors.”

With an eye roll, I wave my hand outward and follow him out of the door. He unlocks the door, motioning me in front of him. There’s plans scattered across the table tops, a few different types of desks are shoved against the walls. One of them is a light table that’s already plugged in, a giant blueprint lit up and casting the walls around it a blue shade.

“What’s that?” Walking over to it, I realize it’s the print of the estate that Heckles allegedly has her in.

“That,” he points to a small room on the lower half of the paper, “is where they are keeping Blaine.”

“Leather,” I murmur, looking around the print.

“She’s my sister, I can call her by her name,” he scoffs, arms crossing his chest.

“Barely,” I retort. “She may be your sister, but you abandoned her when she needed you. I don’t know how brotherly that is of you.”

“I didn’t fucking abandon her! I did it to save her.” I snort in amusement at his feeble attempt at explaining himself.
