Page 38 of Leather Dreams

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Those prayers go unanswered.

“Oh shit! The traitor joined the party!” Jason slurs, tipping his can in my direction. Some of it sloshes out from the opening, but he doesn’t seem to care. He wasn’t part of the drop, and it’s apparent that he’s been drinking for a while.

“Fuck off,” I grunt, working the knot behind my back. Whoever tied this shit doesn’t know how to actually tie anything. He spits at my feet and gives me his back, obviously not worried about me in my current state. Keeping an eye on everyone around me, they don’t even seem bothered that I’m here. If anything, they only have Leather in their sights, not me. My bleary eyes struggle to focus on her, failing to zone into her chest to check if she’s even alive.

“What do you think, boys? How long will it take for her to go crazy?” Heckles laughs, chugging his beer like it’s water.

They talk over one another, brainstorming how they plan to torture her and how they are planning to make Silent Renegade pay for what they have done. Quite frankly, I have no idea what all happened. I was under the impression that Leather hurt Heckles, but no one disclosed how or why. Then, they brought up that Silent Renegade attacking them for their resources. Yet again, they didn’t bring up clarification. Now, I’m stuck in these fucking bindings and have no idea what the fuck is going on.

The knot suddenly slackens, the ropes dangling. I quickly pull them back tightly around me to mimic being trapped. None of them even notice.

“Pick her up,” he orders. “I think I have the perfect thing for our girl.” I pretend to struggle against the bindings again as two of the guys haul her body upward. They cut the bindings off her, her head dangling every which way as they sling her around.

“Where are you taking her?” I shout, keeping the ruse. “Leave her alone!” My screams fall on deaf ears. There’s no way we’re going to survive if I don’t get out of here.

Instead of acknowledging me, all laugh and ignore me, telling me how I’m a traitor and how I’m next for whatever torture they have planned. Removing her swiftly, none of them stayed behind with me. They carry her like she’s a fucking trophy they obtained. Like they are rallying around the fact that she’s caught, which is fucking disgusting. At least from what I have been told about Leather, she doesn’t parade around her kills. She may have a reputation of being heartless, but I don’t think I have seen that side of her. Even in her own words, she terminates those who don’t deserve to live.

Perfect. Now I’m fantasizing about the girl who I was supposed to be turning into Big D. That’s just another dilemma. How do I know that Heckles is going to return her to Big D? Daryn made it clear to not harm her, that he just wanted to talk to her. Now, I don’t know if that’s the case. It’s hard to gauge if Heckles went off on his own or not, but I’m going out on a limb and assuming he’s not under the command of Big D. Fucking Christ.

The door slams shut behind them. I wait for their cheers to drown out with the distance. They are definitely a loud bunch. Telling time down here is practically impossible, but it has to be several minutes. Once I can’t hear them anymore, I fully pick my head up. I work to have my eyes and ears focus at the same time. If I don’t get them to work, there’s a good fucking chance of getting caught. I definitely don’t want that.

Time suspends as I hold myself to the chair for a few more moments. Once I’m sure they are gone, I check the room fully for cameras. Not seeing any, I bring my hands to my lap and bunch the rope together. There will be another purpose for it, that much I know.

Body trembling, my head swims from the chemicals I inhaled. Taking several tentative steps, my knees threaten to drop my body weight for a few moments. I clench my fists tightly. There’s no fucking way I’m going to fail this.

It started as me getting Leather to Big D on Daryn’s orders, then Heckles overheard and got involved. I let him cloud my judgment on her before I got the chance to connect with her. We did not have many conversations, and she was always far too skeptical of me. Not that I blame her, because I would be the exact same as her. After connecting with her on a physical level, I realize that she’s not all that they made her out to be. Daryn made it clear that there were no hard feelings against her, that she wasn’t his target, but he needed her. He didn’t get into details, and as his enforcer, I didn’t ask questions.

Now? I’m skeptical of everything around me. Heckles insinuated that Daryn knows about this. I honestly don’t know what to believe at this point.

Righting myself and my mind, I pull myself together. The door is cold against my face as I press my ear on it. No noise greets me back. I sink onto my knees and look under the door for any movement or people.


Praying to the powers above, I stand back up and slowly open the door. The hinges squeak, but no one seems to hear it. Through the barely opened door, it sounds like they are having a party up stairs. I don’t know where Leather is, and I don’t know how much time I have before they come back down for me.

It’s a battle between my head and my heart as I stand here, debating over whether to look for her or not. For all I know, she’s at the center of their party. From what I counted earlier, there were at least ten sets of feet. That doesn’t include anyone that may have been waiting up stairs for them to come back.

Finally making a decision, I take off down the hallway. Another thing to notate is that this basement does not resemble that of the Big D club. That means I can confidently say Heckles went rogue. If Daryn finds out about him taking Leather…I don’t even know what would happen. There’s too much shit for me to keep up at this point.

I round the corner, slamming into another person. They flail backwards and land on the ground with an oomph. He slowly sits up, glaring in my direction before he realizes it’s me.

“Hey!” He shouts, backing up like a coward. “You’re not supposed to be down here! Hey!” Advancing on him, I grab his mouth and pin him into the cemented floor. There’s no way that no one heard him shouting, so I quickly remove my hand. He starts screaming as I grab the back of his head and his chin, then sharply twist his head to the side. The silence is instantaneous. Refusing to wait and see if anyone heard the commotion, I continue running in the direction I started.

Chapter Thirty-One


Pacing the entrance of the club house, my heart hammers behind the bone cage in my chest. Knuckles informed me that they were heading back this way and were going to try and form a game plan on the way. He’s not clued me into what he’s thinking, not given a single hint as to how we’re going to find her and bring her back.

“Prez,” Phisher calls, landing a hand on my shoulder. “It’ll be alright man, we’ll figure it out.” He takes a swig of his beer, smiling as if one of our most honored members hasn’t been snatched right from under our noses.

Like the asshole I am, I shrug his hand off of me. It feels wrong of me to want to celebrate three of the five coming back. I’m glad that three were able to escape, I’m pissed that Leather fucking did that, and overall, I’m confused as to why Tornado got involved. What does he have to do with anything?

Whirlwind emotions spiral through my head as I pace. I don’t think I have ever been this wound up over members being taken. It’s not uncommon, and yet, it feels like a complete failure on my part. Was there anything I could have changed? Anything different we could have done?

I shouldn’t have let them go on that fucking mission. They shouldn’t have-

“Boss!” The familiar voice shouts, catching me off guard. Knuckles stands there, his leather jacket hidden by his cut. Seeing him…it’s different. My frantically beating heart suddenly happens for an entirely different reason.

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