Page 46 of Jabarri

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It got to the point where no one was bold enough to challenge him. He is just as crazy and ruthless as Victor was. He even went as far as rebuilding Victor’s house. Under his leadership, Art has expanded the organization to include cocaine, crack, meth, fentanyl, X and any other drug you can think of, and he has included weapons to what he sells. The only thing he doesn’t sell is young girls and boys…yet. I think the woman that showed up was a scout. I am sure there will be more coming.”

“So basically another Victor?” DJ surmises.

“It looks that way, yes.”

“Doone?” Atlas inquires.

“It’s just a feeling. I am going to keep digging,” he tells us. “Watch your back. He’s quite a handful, and if you need cleanup, just give me a call,” he says, shaking Uncle Atlas’ hand before leaving as fast as he came.

“Well, it looks like this time when we take the head of this organization out, we need to dismantle it as well. We are not looking over our shoulder for the rest of our lives,” DJ says and I release a breath. This is manageable, I know they are going to rain hell down on this Art and then everything can go back to normal.


“Nöku Ahi?”

“Huh,” She asks, her face glued to the screen like she hasn’t seen this move a million times.

“Don’t you think it’s time for us to pick a date,” I suggest, gaining all of her attention.

“You think so?”

“Yes, we know where the threat is coming from and we are working on shutting it down soon. Plus there hasn’t been another attack on you and it’s been a few weeks so yeah, let’s get to planning.”

“How about a year from now,”

“How about you try again,”

“Okay, well I don’t want a big wedding, the same size as Shepp’s wedding so I think we can get it done in a few months,” she says, and it was music to my ears.

“Well, if we are going to do that, then let’s put together an engagement party,”

“I think we can do it in a couple of weeks. I can ask Shepp about the hotel ballroom, and get invitations, it’s only a few people coming from out of town so it shouldn’t be a problem. I guess I have to invite my father and wherever he goes his wife has to tag along,” she says rolling her eyes.

“Well, after the ass whooping your mother gave her the last time she was here, I’m sure she’ll think twice before making any stupid ass comments,”

“I hope so because I am sure my mom won’t mind beating her ass again. Okay, Shepp says give him the dates, and he will make it work,” she tells me, tapping away on her phone responding to whatever her brother is saying to her.

“Let’s say a month, the second Saturday, that should give the out of town family time to get here.”

“Okay,” she says, hopping up from the sofa where she was buried in my side, leaving me feeling bereft. A few minutes, she comes back with her laptop, and begins banging away at the keys, movie forgotten. We research invitations, choose some, and input the information once Shepp confirms the date. Skai told me that once he took over the hotel, he took one of the ballrooms off of the books reserving it for family events and only rents it out in extreme emergencies, along with a block of rooms, he also took the second highest floor to remodel all the rooms into suites for us too. So luckily for us there was no emergencies so the room was open. Invitations ordered, we contact the same party planning company we use for all of our events, and they were more than happy to accommodate us. I mean the huge tips we tend to leave and huge bills we rack up probably had something to do with that.

“I think I will call Mercy and see if she can design my engagement and wedding outfits. She did such an amazing job on Megan and Brooklyn’s dresses, and I have to have one of her creations. Hopefully, she can squeeze me in, since she’s blown up,” Skai says once again texting I’m assuming Mercy. “Hot damn, we’re in business. She says she has something she just made she thinks would be perfect for me but if not she will be more than happy to make me something. You better get your clothes together, sir,”

“Don’t worry about me, my wardrobe game is tight,”

“Excuse me!”

“Do you want Jaasiel and Praise to cook?”

“Now you know I want Uncle Jaasiel and Praise to cook, but I also want them to just enjoy themselves, so I guess we’ll have to deal with subpar food.” She is practically pouting.

“I’ll ask Jaasiel for some recommendations, and maybe we can get close to their level of food. You know how picky he is.”

“Yes, true,” Skai agrees, and we spend the rest of the evening planning our party and wedding. She is right, I have to get my clothes together.

“Baby, I know you are sending an invitation to your dad, but don’t you think you should call and let him know before he just gets an invitation in the mail?”

“No,” she says not lifting her eyes from the screen. While we are contacting people for the engagement party we are also booking them for the wedding, too.
