Page 14 of Jabarri

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And even though I train with my uncles regularly, he has insisted on him and I training, so we’ll start that as soon as I get back home. The man is paranoid. Andy Grammer comes on, and it is a song I am not familiar with, but I love him, so I turn it up and immediately fall in love with the lyrics. As soon as I stop for some food, I send the song Good In Me©. I grab a breakfast sandwich and some apple juice and get back on the road.

It was a good visit, and I think I can convince him to come to Mississippi to play for Saint. I set up for him to come and visit the college with his parents, and I know Saint will seal the deal. The man has a silver tongue and can damn near convince anyone to do anything. I didn’t get a hotel room, the plan was to drive back today, but I am more tired than I thought I would be. I grab my phone to find a nearby hotel, but before I can search for one, the phone is ringing.

“Jabarri,” I say in lieu of a greeting.

“How did your visit go?”

“It went well. I’m pretty sure that once they visit Mississippi, they’ll sign with Saint,”

“Good. Are you on your way back now?”

“Yeah,” I say a little unsurely.

“Hmm, you don’t sound like you are sure about that,”

“I am a little more tired than I thought I would be,”

“Mmm, well, can you do me a favor?”

“Umm, sure, what is it?”

“Go to this address,” he says, and my phone chirps notifying me of a text message. I put the address in the GPS and head that way, it’s not far from where I am. I stay on the phone with Jabarri, telling him about the young man and his stats.

“Wait, it's a hotel,”

“I know. Give them your name at the front desk and call me back when you reach the room.”

“Okay,” I say, curious about what he is up to. I give my name to the woman at the desk, show her my ID, and she hands me a key card. The suite, of course. I think when I get to the room. I open the door, walk into the living room, and see a clothing rack, bags, and flowers. There is a card in the flowers,

I've got something special up my sleeve for us tonight! I couldn't resist planning a little adventure just for you and me. Get ready for an evening filled with good vibes, laughter, and, of course, a dash of surprise.

I won't spill the tea on all the details, but picture this: a night where it's just us, soaking in each other's company and making memories.

So, throw on the outfit I chose for you because tonight is all about us. I can't wait to see that beautiful smile of yours as we dive into the fun I've got in store. Get excited – it's going to be a night to remember!

Looking forward to our adventure,


He’s here? I look at the time he said for us to meet, and I rush into the bathroom to wash and change. He thought of everything; all I had to do was get dressed. I didn’t even bother to look at the dress he bought. I take my shower, lotion myself down, put on the bra and panty set he picked out, do my makeup, and finally reveal the beautiful dress he picked out. The one-shoulder-tied neck dress fit me like a glove, I put on the heels on, grab my keys, and head out. I am giddy like a schoolgirl as I ride the elevator down to the lobby, but when the doors open, I lose my breath. Jabarri is standing there and he looks amazing in his suit standing in the lobby waiting for me. My face splits into the hugest smile I can manage, and I rush into the open arms waiting for me.

“What are you doing here? Where are we going?”

“So impatient, and I couldn’t be away from you, not even overnight,”

“I was coming home tonight, Jabarri.”

“Well, now you don’t have to. Come on, let’s go, baby,” he takes my hand to walk me out and to his car opening the door for me. He gets in the driver’s seat and takes off smoothly down the road. He parks and comes around to help me out,

“A dance studio?” I ask, but he doesn’t answer just ushers me inside. And once again, I am at a loss for words. There is a table set up on the side of the dance floor, and the room is blanketed in flowers and candles. The table is gorgeous, and there are domes covering dinner plates. He helps me sit, and a server comes over out of thin air and begins to serve us. Music is playing in the background, as we eat the delicious meal. When we get to dessert, I understand why he chose here to have dinner.

“I listened to the song you sent me this morning,”

“What did you think?”

“It’s beautiful. So I searched to find a song that embodied how I feel about you and came up with this,” he says seconds before the lights dim and the most beautiful music begins playing. A couple appears on the dance floor and dances to the song, telling the story of us through dance.

As I watch, he pulls me out of the seat into his lap and he holds me as this couple glides across the floor. Between their interpretation of our story and the words to the song, I am a sobbing mess when they give their bow.

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