Page 97 of Every Breath After

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“What are you doing? Are you leaving?”

I close my locker, staring down at my shoes. “Yeah, I have an appointment,” I lie, my voice nothing but a quiet mumble.

“Oh. What kind?”


A beat passes. “Uh huh.”

Making to brush past him, I’m yanked to a stop by a firm hand on my shoulder. He tugs me back, whirling me toward him.

“Look at me.”

I grit my teeth before I can think better of it, immediately wincing at the pain shooting across my face. My eyes sear, nostrils flaring as liquid heat rushes up my throat.


A pair of black Vans appear in front of me, angled toward my black Chucks.

Breathing heavily through my nose, I keep my chin down and flick my gaze up through my lashes and the blond messy hair curling over my eyes. My fists tighten around the straps on my bag. “What?” I mutter, my voice raw.

Mason’s pale blues search my eyes, a frown forming between his brows. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” I mumble, and again try to move around him.


“Don’t call me that,” I whip out reflexively, and in doing so, my head snaps up.

It’s a split second before I realized what I did. It happens at about the same time his attention hones in on the lower half of my face, and a white-hot fury ignites the icy blue depths of his eyes.

His gaze snaps to mine, jaw clenched so sharply, it could probably cut through steel. “What the fuck?”

I shake my head, my hair falling once more around my face. The entire right side screams in agony from the movement, bringing a fresh wave of tears to my eyes that I don’t dare let fall.

Without a word, he’s suddenly all up in my space, and with surprisingly gentle fingers that belies the tension riding the rest of him, he moves my hair away, fluttering the tips over my injured jaw.

Everything in me stills.


I try to swallow, and fail.


Chills spiral down my spine, and my eyes grow big and wide, lifting to meet his. In all the years I’ve known Mason, I have never once seen him this pissed off. It’s…confusing, to say the least.

My brow knits. “Mas?—”

“Who the fuck did this to you? Clay? Ethan?”

“Doesn’t mat?—”

He barks out a short, dangerous laugh, shaking his head. His fingers slip from my face, hand falling back to his side in a fist. He shakes his head, and makes to turn. “Fuck it, I’ll kill them both. Kill them al?—”

I rush forward after him, gripping his shoulder to throw myself in his path, blocking him. “Stop.”

His gaze sears a line of wrath over my shoulder. I half-expect lasers to shoot out of them. I’ve seen Mason fired up before, sure. Hell, my first memory of him is him shoving Mikey.
