Page 59 of Every Breath After

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“I know. I know, sweetheart,” Dad interrupts gently. “Of course you love him.”

“I just hate this.”

“Me too.”

And laying here, rolling everything they said around my brain, piecing it all together—what the kids say at school…the fact my parents seem to think the same thing, but still love me for it…

The fact they’d consider moving away because of it…

Ripping us away from the only life we know.

I don’t know what to make of it all.

All I know is they’re upset because of me. I could ruin everything if I don’t get better. Stronger.

And I hate this.

I don’t want to be whatever it is they all think I am.

So I won’t. I just… won’t.

I’m finishing up my reading homework—Pearl Jam playing from my boombox—when I hear the front door slam downstairs, followed by footsteps pounding up the stairs.

My door’s thrown open a second later, and in a tornado of lanky limbs and wild brown hair, a body crashes down on the mattress next to me.

“Hi,” I say slowly, carefully.

Izzy tips her head back, grinning up at where I sit against my headboard.

“I kissed him,” she tells me loud enough to be heard over the music.

And there’s this feeling, like a weight being dropped from my chest to my gut.

She’s squealing and rolling over onto her knees, gripping my shoulders, shaking me. “And he kissed me back! We’re boyfriend and girlfriend now. He even held my?—”

“Who?” I whisper through the cottony feeling in my throat. My voice sounds very far away. Everything feels very far away.

She rolls her eyes, her smile not fading one bit. “Mason, obviously.”


“Why?” I find myself asking.

She wrinkles her nose, shaking her head, brown hair flying all around her. “Because we like each other, silly!”

I feel myself nod, but it’s as if my head is no longer a part of my body. My mouth opens and closes, but I’m unsure of what I even want to say.


Sad, I think.

But why?

“He’s my soulmate,” she says in that super serious voice of hers. “We’re gonna be together forever and ever. Just like Cory and Topanga.”

Sucking in my cheeks, I nod.

Boy Meets World has always been one of her favorite shows. We used to watch it every Friday night along with Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
