Page 433 of Every Breath After

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My jaw tenses, and I’m aware of not only Ivy watching me, but Will now too. More sets of eyes turn my way, all the attention suddenly on me, and fuck, I can’t do this. Yet, I’m frozen. Rooted to the spot.

Will turns toward me, and starts to say something—I sense it.

But then, suddenly, Mason’s there. Faster than I can blink, he’s standing right in front of me, his pale blue eyes spearing me right down to the pits of my withered soul.

And just like that, I lose the fight with my tears.

They fall over my lashes as if a cloud broke over my head, streaking down my quivering cheeks.

Mason’s brows knit, his lips a thin pale slash that draws stark attention to the silver hoop.

“C’mere,” he rasps, taking my hand, and leading me back toward where Waylon watches us, waiting for us to join him.

A gasp punches out of me, hitching loudly—or at least it feels loud.

My heart is pounding up a storm, and all I can do is blink furiously against the tide of emotion threatening to drag me under as Mason puts me between them.

Fingers grip the back of my hoodie, anchoring me. Mason…

I hang my head and squeeze my eyes shut, biting back the sounds scratching their way up my throat.

“I’ve got him, Iz,” Mason chokes out. “I’ve got him.”

Waylon wraps an arm around me from my other side, and says strongly, “We’ve got him.”

How I don’t utterly collapse from their words, I have no idea. I’m no longer being torn. I’m being shredded. Utterly fucking eviscerated by the power of this moment—this stark, painful release settling over us as we finally set her free like we should’ve done on that sunny day years ago. Together.

Just like the three of them used to say…

All for one, and one for all.

It’s either one of us, or all of us.

And just like that, it hits me.

So caught up in how painful it must’ve been for them to keep me around over the years, I didn’t even consider the fact that aside from my parents, these two guys are all I have left of my sister.

They’re the closest thing to having her back in my life.

And they have me.

They want me.


They’ve got me.

Just like she always did.

Just like she always would have, if she was still here.

Just like she’d want for us.

I’ve got them too, Iz…

No matter what it takes.

And with that thought, I know what I need to do.
