Page 257 of Every Breath After

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I dig my fingers into my throat, squeezing and squeezing. Something wet touches my lip, and then I cough, and more wetness erupts out of me.

I’m shaking so hard, my bones ache.

“Iz-z-z-z,” I stutter. My face thumps roughly against the carpet.

When did I lay down?

A high-pitched whining fills my ears, and once again my vision blackens, fracturing, shuddering?—

The bedroom is gone.

It’s quiet.

I still can’t breathe, but it’s okay…

It doesn’t hurt anymore. It’s okay…


I hear the song again—my song—that one just out of reach. Darkness presses in from all around me, the piano all I can hear.

But then something appears up ahead, a figure—no two figures.

But only one is distinguishable, his blond hair lit up gold, haloed by an unseen light. He’s dressed in all black, but it’s dressy clothes, not his usual baggy jeans and t-shirts and sweaters.

They’re hugging…no, swaying together, Jeremy and the faceless shadowed figure. Slow dancing…and in my head, I hear a voice echoing—my voice—as if trickling down from a well.

“You will have this. Of course you will have this…”

My feet are rooted to the spot that’s not a spot.

“...he’s gonna fall so hard. And you’re gonna fall so hard right back…”

A pang fills my chest, searing my insides, constricting every bone, every muscle, every nerve and blood vessel.

Is this…is the future? I wonder.

Jeremy turns his head, so his cheek is pressed to the faceless figure’s chest. And his gaze meets mine, amber brown, with the tiniest of gold flecks that shimmer even from all the way over there.

A soft, shy sort of smile lifts his cheek, and he dips his gaze, lashes fanning over his cheeks.

“Who is that?” a curious voice asks.

Frowning, I look down at the girl standing next to me, gazing off serenely in the direction of her brother. My gaze drops lower, to where her hand holds mine. I don’t even feel it.

I feel nothing.


I feel like I’m…fading…

I try to answer her, but nothing comes out.

I don’t know, I want to say, I don’t know who that is.

But try as I might to speak, the words remain trapped right alongside the air in my lungs.

Izzy slowly tilt her head to look at me.
