Page 133 of Every Breath After

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“Go, Mason,” Jeremy says quietly. “It’s okay. He needs you. Both of you.”

I turn to him. “You’ll stay, right? Don’t leave. Wait for us.”

Jaw working, he nods. “Yeah, I’ll be right here.”

Shoving away the memory, I take big strides toward him, not even realizing how tight my chest has gotten until he notices me, freezing in his tracks, eyes widening on my face.


His hands come up like he’s trying to ward something off, and he looks down both hallways. “Just…this way,” he says, turning and gesturing for me to follow. “Come on.”

His steps hasten as they veer right into a small nook. I’m fast on his heels, my vision growing black. My fingers buzz, going numb.

It’s not until he’s led me as deep into the shadows of the little alcove as we can get, surrounded by boxes and storage equipment, tucked away out of sight by anyone who might pass, that he spins toward me, grips my shoulder with surprising strength, and all but shoves me to a crouch. Lowering himself in the process.

“Put your head between your knees.”

I do as he says, blindly following his orders.

A hand splays across my upper back. In a firm whisper, Jeremy says, “Hold your breath.”

I already am, I think…

But I’m not.

I’m gasping.


I can’t breathe, I can’t bre?—

“Hold it, Mason. Just close your mouth and hold it.”

It takes what feels like everything in me, but I manage, sealing my eyes shut in the process. So tight, I see stars behind my lids.

Jeremy’s voice warbles. It’s as if I’m underwater, and he’s peering down through the surface at me, seconds from dragging me out.

“I’m gonna count to five. Hold it. Let it burn your insides. One…”

Fire. It’s all fire.


And I welcome it, fanning the flames, spurring them to spread…


Ravage me…


Consume every fear, every ache…

“When I say five, you exhale, and you let it go. Blow it all out.”

Wash it all away…

