Page 91 of Bite of Desire

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Kali could hear every word of this conversation.

I wasn’t sure if Amaros was aware of that. He only conducted business in the rotunda or his soundproof office. He knew there were always ears listening in this house.

But I wanted Kali to listen, which was why I’d locked her in there instead of taking her back to my bedroom. I wanted to warn her earlier, but I couldn’t risk any vampire overhearing. I didn’t have access to the soundproof office. Which spoke volumes about Amaros’s trust. He always swore that he trusted his sons more than anything. Yet neither the twins nor I had a way to speak privately here. If my father realized this was all a lie, there would be hell to pay. I couldn’t risk telling her in advance.

I really fucking hoped she didn’t take my words at face value. That she realized I was telling my father what he wanted to hear. To protect her.

Amaros was expecting her to fight me. He knew that she’d never sleep with me willingly to make an heir. If she knew I was lying to him, she still needed to play the part, or he’d get suspicious. He’d be able to hear it all, and I knew he’d be listening.

He tipped his glass at me. “Go. Make me proud, son.”

With a nod, I spun around and left the room.

Chapter 31


This was not fucking happening.

I stared at the door, waiting for Zan to unlock it. Every word he told his father was running on repeat in my head. Nausea roiled in my stomach, and I gripped the stake even tighter. I’d taken it out of my boot the second I realized what Zan was admitting to. Was he lying? He had to be. He promised he wouldn’t do this to me. From what I knew, it was next to impossible to get pregnant while on my period, but there was still a chance.

Could I trust him?

There was a large part of me that was convinced he was lying to his father. But what if he wasn’t? What if he acted like he cared for me just to get to this moment? My heart clenched painfully. The thought of him lying to me hurt more than I ever cared to admit. But I had a feeling he knew I could hear their conversation. There was no other reason for him to lock me in this room. Was that his way of letting me know that his words were lies?

Either way, there was no fucking way I was going to submit to him. Hearing how his father spoke about me had me seeing red. I was not some object to be used at anyone’s discretion.

A chill ripped through me when the quiet click of the lock interrupted my thoughts. A second later, the door slowly swung open. Zan stood there, his eyes immediately going to the stake in my hand. I searched his face, trying to figure out what the truth was. I considered myself a good liar. But Zan was an exceptional one. Unless he gave me a hint, I’d never figure out what was true.

“You haven’t been successful with that against me yet,” he murmured in a low voice, nodding at my weapon. “This time won’t be any different. Put it away, Kali.”

I was very aware that Amaros was listening to every word. Disgust skated over my skin at that thought. My focus went back to Zan when he stepped toward me.

“Stay back,” I hissed vehemently. “I heard everything, Zan.”

“That doesn’t change anything.” His voice was cold. Detached. Was this for his father’s benefit or the real him? Fear took hold, and I swallowed through the growing lump in my throat.

“I’ll do it,” I promised hoarsely, ignoring how my voice trembled. “I’ll stab you in the heart before I let you fuck me.”

“You can try.”

Was that a hint of pride in his gaze? It disappeared as quickly as it came, and I tried to sort through the tangled emotions I was feeling. If he was lying to his father about this, then he was doing this to protect me. Or he’d been lying to me this entire time. I couldn’t chance it.

I waited for him to get closer, and then I lashed out, stabbing him in the shoulder. I yanked it back out, retreating before he could grab me. A muscle in his jaw tightened, and it was the only outward sign that it caused him pain. My move was something he could have dodged. He’d let me dig the stake into his shoulder. Why?

“Kali.” My name rolled off his tongue as a warning. “Fighting this will make it worse.”

“Worse?” I let out a cold laugh. “Nothing is worse than this.”

This time he attacked. But his movements were slower than usual, and I easily ducked under his arm before racing out of the room. My heart pounded against my ribs as I fled down the empty hall. I had no idea where I was going. No plan. Other than this hallway and Zan’s bedroom, I hadn’t explored this place. I did know this house was locked down, which meant there was no escape. But none of that mattered. I’d run until I couldn’t anymore.

My boots slapped against the wood floor, and I gritted my teeth. If I had any chance of hiding, I needed to be quiet. The necklace lay heavy on my chest, a reminder that even if I was dead silent, Zan could still track me. The defeat lining my veins threatened to slow me down, but I pushed past it and rounded a corner to see another long hall in front of me.

I spared a glance over my shoulder, the lights on the walls letting me see that Zan was nowhere in sight. My pulse thudded. He wouldn’t have lost me so easily. I slowed my pace, creeping forward, and grabbed the closest doorknob. It didn’t move, making me wonder if any of these doors were unlocked. My chances of finding a place to hide were becoming smaller.

I hurried forward, letting out a cry of surprise when Zan popped into the hall ahead of me. How the hell did he get there? I whirled around, heading the way I’d just come.

“No,” I screamed when he snatched my wrist.
