Page 82 of Bite of Desire

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Ahead of us was a gate that was connected to a giant wall. One so large and thick that it reminded me of the one surrounding Project Hope. But this one was taller, and it spanned as far as I could see in either direction. Jasper laid on the horn, and a few seconds later, the gate swung open in front of us. I counted six vampires standing guard as we drove through. Panic flooded through me, my instincts demanding me to run far from this place.

“Stop at the house,” Zan commanded tightly. “I’ll put the truck away.”

Jasper frowned as he glanced in the mirror. “Why?”

“It’s not your job to question us,” Viggo replied airily. “Just fucking do it.”

We drove down a long, twisty dirt path. Trees grew thick on both sides of the trail, and I already lost sight of the wall behind us. It took more than five minutes before a building came into view. This property was fucking huge. And the house that appeared in front of us was the largest I’d ever seen. I’d read about these kinds of houses in my books. This place was a damn mansion.

Jasper parked right in front of the looming building, but it was still too dark to make out much about it. It appeared that it was made from some kind of brick or stone, but my attention was diverted when I noticed movement outside the truck. My stomach rolled as I stared at the vampires milling around. All had guns strapped to their chests. If I had any doubt about seeing Amaros, it was gone now.

I could bet that this was the Kane property that Zan had mentioned. And now I was here. Dread coiled around my limbs, making me feel heavy. Like there was no way out. They’d driven me here, and they hadn’t kept the way a secret from me. It might have been hard to determine exactly where we were driving, but I knew we were north of Project Hope. That we were in a large forest that would no doubt be on a map. I could find this place on my own. Something they had to know.

I slumped against the seat. I was never leaving this vampire world I’d found myself in.

“Amaros is expecting the three of you in the rotunda,” Jasper said, sounding uneasy. “I was supposed to park the truck?—”

“Get out,” Zan snapped. He’d already opened the rear door and was climbing out. “I’ll talk to my father.”

Jasper did what he was told as Pax and Viggo got out and Zan took over the driver’s seat. I stayed right where I was. No way was I leaving this vehicle without Zan, and he didn’t tell me to get out anyway. He looked at me in the rearview mirror, and with a sigh, I climbed between the front seats and awkwardly fell into the passenger seat. As soon as I was sitting, he put the truck in gear and began driving around the house.

“Why did you bring me here?” I asked, successfully keeping my voice steady.

“Because Amaros requested it.”

“Do you always do what your father wants?”

His gaze slid to me. “Not when it comes to you. But believe me, if I hadn’t brought you, it would have been worse.”

“Do you know why he wants me here?”


I scoffed. “Then how do you know it would have been worse if you hadn’t brought me?”

“I know my father.”

A building with a large roll-up door came into view. Zan drove through one of the entrances, and immediately, the cement floor began descending. My stomach knotted painfully as we went farther underground. Soon, the area opened, and dim lights embedded into the walls revealed the huge room. My gaze darted around, seeing at least twenty other vehicles. There was even a PARA truck down here, making me wonder how the hell they’d gotten it. Were they fighting the government without civilians knowing?

Zan parked the truck between two other vehicles before cutting the engine. Neither of us moved. I didn’t want to get out. Didn’t want to face Amaros or see any of the other vampires here. For all my complaining about being stuck with Zan and his brothers, I’d take living in their city for the rest of my life over being here.

“While we’re here, I need you to be careful,” Zan murmured. “Don’t wander off by yourself. There are more vampires within these walls than in Deadwood.”

If he was trying to mask his worry, he was doing a shit job. Which made my nerves even worse. I couldn’t move if I wanted to. Lead lined my veins as I stared out the windshield.

“Kali.” He was trying to get my attention, and when I didn’t respond, I suddenly felt his fingers on my jaw before he turned my head. I finally met his eyes, and I attempted to swallow my panic. “For once, I need you to listen to me. To do what I say.”

“Why?” I clipped out, my voice betraying me when it cracked. “Will it change anything? It sounds like Amaros pulls all the strings. If he wants me dead, will you be able to change that?”

A muscle in his jaw ticked. “You’re wearing my necklace, meaning you are mine. I choose what happens to you.”

Rage burned through me, and I attempted to jerk my face from his hold. He tightened his grip, refusing to let me look away from him.

“I’m not an object,” I hissed.

“To Amaros you are.” His gaze stayed locked on mine. “To him, humans are here for our disposal. Sex. Food. Anything. In his eyes, you’re here for one reason. To give the Kane name an heir.”

“You promised,” I choked out. “You swore you wouldn’t do it.”

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