Page 54 of Bite of Desire

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“You didn’t have to bring me here,” she snapped. “I could have come alone.”

Viggo chuckled. “Have fun. I’m sure my brother is in a great mood.”

He strolled away, heading back toward the city while Kali carefully descended the stairs until she was on the sand. My gaze didn’t leave her as she crossed the beach and began going up the steps of the pier. The wood creaked under her weight, and I heard her pause every few seconds. I wasn’t worried about it holding her weight when I came out here all the time. She appeared at the edge of the pier, and she must have spotted me, because her steps grew more confident as she came closer.

“How long did Viggo hold out when you asked him where I was?” I asked, keeping my words loud so she could hear me. “He knows I come out here to be alone.”

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye as she sat down a couple of feet away from me, letting her legs dangle over the edge like mine were. Her eyes drifted over the water as she leaned back on her palms.

“If you wanted to be alone, then you should have gone somewhere I don’t know about,” she stated, her voice tight.

I blew out a harsh laugh. “I’ve tried taking you out here all week, and you fought me the two times I did. Now you come here willingly? Let me guess, you want to know what Pax was talking about.”

She paused. “Will you tell me?”

“If I do, then there’s half a chance that you’ll shove me off this pier. You won’t like the answer, Kali.”

“I’d rather know than be kept in the dark.”

I followed her gaze, looking out at the water as I considered what to say. She stayed silent, but she drummed her fingers on the warped wood, giving away her nerves.

“It’s a myth,” I said slowly. “One I don’t believe in. But Pax does.”

She glanced at me, a frown on her lips. “If you don’t believe it, then why are you so hesitant to tell me?”

I scrubbed a hand over my jaw. “You already know that vampires can form a bond with humans they knew before they turned. It’s a part of their human empathy that vampires can hold on to if they stay near someone they knew.”

She nodded. “Like you thought I bonded with Warner. Before you knew I was human.”

“Yes.” I sighed while choosing my next words carefully. “Full-blooded vampires can form a bond with humans they don’t have a history with. Or other vampires. That part is fact, not a myth. This kind of bond is different. It’s for love. Who you’re meant to be with.”

I had her full attention, her head turned toward me with her eyes wide.

“Bond?” she asked in disbelief. “For love?”

“Fated love,” I murmured. “A bond so strong that they can’t survive without each other. It’s not very common, but it does happen.”

“Vampires can bond like that with humans?”

“The way it works is intricate.” I swung my legs up and turned my body to face her. “If a vampire mates with a human, then the bond doesn’t strengthen unless the human turns. But still…there’s a connection even before that happens. A pull that both of them can feel.”

By the way her face pinched, she was already guessing what Pax believed. I watched her carefully, waiting for her line of questions to come.

“Only full-blooded vampires can bond?” She eyed me warily. “You’re a Shadow.”

“We’ve never seen a Shadow bond,” I answered. “But we haven’t really gotten the chance to explore it. But Pax? He thinks it’s possible.”


“Because he fell in love with a human.” I shook my head. “He’s convinced he bonded with her, but she never turned, so he can’t be sure.”

“She chose not to turn?” Kali asked, curiosity thick in her voice.

I heaved out a breath. “No, she was killed. By PARA.”

Pity for my brother flashed in her eyes before she looked back at the ocean. “And Pax thinks what? That you are…bonding with me?”

She was keeping her emotions locked down, and her expressionless tone made it impossible to tell what she was thinking. She crossed her arms, her gaze guarded as she stared at me, waiting for me to answer.

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