Page 48 of Bite of Desire

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There were only three ways this would end. Kali staying human and Amaros forcing me to mate. Or if she was a Shadow, which would create its own problems. Then there was the option of turning her after her birthday. None of those thoughts made me feel better.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I need to get to my room.”

I lifted my eyes to see Viggo leaning in the doorway. The amusement in his eyes made me want to murder him. Kali glanced over her shoulder, her body going tense when she spotted my brother. This time, I let her go when she shoved away from me.

“This—” Viggo pretended to shudder “—is why I don’t do feelings or love. Way too fucking messy.”

“This is not love,” Kali bit out.

With one last scathing look at me, she stormed down the hall, disappearing into my room before she slammed the door shut. I pinched the bridge of my nose, steadying my breath as Viggo let out a chuckle.

“I guess my advice didn’t work,” he drawled.

I grabbed an apple and whipped it at him. He caught it with ease and took a large bite as he stared at me.

“I’m never listening to you again,” I grumbled.

He shrugged. “At least you two talked. Better than nothing.”

I wasn’t sure about that. She was still pissed, and I had a feeling that wouldn’t change for a while.

If ever.

Chapter 16


My arms burned, and I pushed myself up one more time before collapsing back to the floor. I sucked in heavy breaths, my shirt wet from sweat. I hated pushups, but I couldn’t deny how good it felt to work out again. Something I’d barely done since coming to this city. Deadwood, as the vampires called it. I’d heard it around Impulse more often, and I was curious about how many vampires lived here. I stared at the ceiling of Zan’s bedroom for a few moments as I caught my breath.

I was getting antsy. My stubbornness about not wanting to deal with Zan was keeping me from leaving the room. I wasn’t sure how long it’d been since Amaros had appeared. Maybe a week. The days blended together, and I really didn’t care all that much about knowing what day it was. It didn’t change anything for me.

The only time I’d been venturing out of the room was to grab quick food that was stocked in the kitchen. And the couple of times when Zan dragged me out of the room. He’d been sleeping on the couch again, but that didn’t mean he’d been leaving me alone.

With a groan, I rolled onto my back and then bent my legs to do sit-ups. I silently counted, feeling my abs begin to burn.

“What are you doing?”

I startled for only a second at Zan’s voice. Then I kept doing sit-ups as I answered.

“What does it look like?” I asked, my sarcasm thick.

I heard his sigh from across the room. “If you’re bored, you can always come down to Impulse.”

“I’m not bored,” I gritted out. “I’m working out. I can’t let myself go. Not here. Surrounded by vampires. I used to train daily with the Clovers.”

The silence dragged for a while, but I could feel his stare on me, meaning he hadn’t left the room. Once I finished, I stretched my legs out, content to just lie here.

“Get up,” he said gruffly. “We’re going somewhere.”

“The beach again?” I mumbled.

He’d dragged me to the beach twice since our argument. He seemed determined to act like the news Amaros had dropped meant nothing. He wanted me to open back up. Something I planned to never do again. Though he hadn’t pushed me to talk. We only sat on the beach, watching the water. There wasn’t much left to say when he refused to talk more about his father.

“No. Somewhere else.”

I frowned, hating that my curiosity was burning. Ignoring my aching muscles, I climbed to my feet and finally looked at him. He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. His eyes met mine, and I let my face grow cold.

“Where?” I asked stiffly.

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