Page 116 of Bite of Desire

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“Zan…” Viggo trailed off, knowing his words didn’t matter when I could hear as well as him.

More people had just entered the room, and even if they hadn’t uttered a word, I counted at least four of them from listening to their heartbeats. Letting go of Warner, I stood up and spun around. All the men had guns aimed at us, but they didn’t attack.

“What do we have here?” one of the men murmured, his eyes cutting to me and then to Viggo. “Apparently, we need to upgrade our security.”

I stared at him, letting my gaze trail over him. “You’re going to let us walk out of here.”

The man laughed. “Really?”

“You know the rules, Norman,” Viggo drawled, sounding completely at ease. “Tell your men to walk away so we can talk.”

Chapter 42


Norman, the guy in charge, tensed for a moment, his hatred for us blatant. But he spat an order to the remaining men, who hesitated before exiting the room. Norman ran a hand through his graying brown hair while keeping his gun in his other hand.

“The rule is that your kind is never supposed to enter our cities,” he hissed once we were alone. “You’re breaking the deal we had.”

“It was for a good reason.” Viggo chuckled. “But we’re done. And now we’re leaving.”

“Not so fast,” Norman said, a wicked gleam in his eye. “This can work to my advantage.”

I didn’t react to his threat. I’d talked to him a few times over the years, and I’d never liked the man. He hated vampires, but he was also horrible to the humans he was supposed to be protecting. He was a cruel son of a bitch who would do anything to hold on to his power.

I wondered how the civilians would feel if they found out that the government they’d put their trust in was working with vampires.

Civilians believed that vampires and humans had come to an agreement that had ended the war. Which was true. But only a select few knew what that peace deal really entailed. Amaros was in contact with the humans in charge of PARA. We gave them things and they returned the favor. Of course, we all had our own secrets, but Amaros played it just the way he wanted. PARA believed we were all on an equal playing field when it came to power.

They’d find out too late that they were wrong.

“We’re getting reports that Project Peace was attacked,” Norman growled. “We have men going there now.”

Viggo arched an eyebrow. “First time we’ve heard about that. Probably some rogue vampires. We’ll handle it.”

“Bullshit,” he snapped. “Before we lost contact, we were told that their wall fell.”

“Are you calling us liars?” I asked, letting threat enter my voice. “My father wouldn’t be happy about that. Be careful, Norman. You don’t want to ruin this peace deal we have. We didn’t attack any cities. We know the rules.”

It was clear he didn’t believe us, but he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. The agreement we had was fragile. And if he wrecked it, he’d have to answer to his bosses. Then he switched tactics.

“And one rule is that no vampires are supposed to set foot in our cities.” He smirked vilely. “We can kill any who cross the walls.”

“You know that doesn’t apply to us,” Viggo replied with a wave of his hand. “Unless you want to tell Amaros that you killed his sons. Any kind of peace we have would be shattered.”

His eyes drifted over my shoulder to Warner. “What are you doing here?”

“Your men attacked someone who is mine,” I growled, stepping forward. “Does the name Kali sound familiar?”

Viggo went still, but he didn’t say a word. Amaros didn’t want the humans to know Kali was important to us, and at the time, I agreed. But not anymore. I didn’t care what the fuck I had to do to make sure she was safe from PARA.

“Yes,” Norman responded with a scowl. “She’s wanted for treason.”

“Not anymore. She’s with us. And I want your men to stop hunting her.”


I tsked. “Now we have a problem.”

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