Page 89 of Damaged Kingdom

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“Antoni,” she choked, tears falling down her cheeks.

Everything about Rafael softened. He leaned forward and gripped her other hand gently, bringing it to his mouth for the faintest kiss. “I’m so sorry for your loss. My nephew was a good man.”

Shara stared, taking in everything from the laugh lines around his mouth to the streak of white in his hair. Then he smiled, and all at once, she seemed to shake from her stupor. She flung my hand away and nearly toppled the chair in her haste to gain some distance. “I have to go.”

Before we could say anything, she disappeared into the crowd. Greyson caught my eye, motioning that he’d make sure she got home. Knowing Shara, she’d hole herself up inside her apartment until she was ready to come up for air.

I made a mental note to send a delivery of her favorite foods and movies to keep her company. “I didn’t mean to upset her,” Rafael said, staring after her with self-loathing.

I waved him off with a sad smile. “Antoni was the love of her life. Her soulmate. I don’t think she’ll ever be over the loss of him.”

“I doubt it,” Rafael agreed. “It’s funny, though. She’s exactly my son’s type. Must run in the family.”

For some reason, I’d never considered that Rafael had children. I wanted to know more about them, but we were still on unstable footing. I couldn’t give him something to hold over my head. The family tree would have to wait.

I pointed a sharp-tipped nail at him. My fingertips had healed enough for nail extensions until my own nails grew back. It wasn’t perfect, but I couldn’t wear the gloves forever. “You better not have ideas for Shara. She’s not for sale. Especially if your son looks anything like you.”

“I never said I did. I merely mentioned that she was exactly his type. As for his looks…” Shadows passed over Rafael’s face. “He takes after his mother.”

Grief was something I knew well, but I hadn’t recognized it on his face before. Maybe because he was older, more settled into his own pain, if that was a thing. Still, I saw it then. “I’m sorry for your loss, Uncle.”

His smile was more of a grimace, but he did his best. “It’s in the past. As much as I wish it was possible, nothing brings back the ones who’ve left.”

I could see his desperate need for a break, so I gave him one. “How is Grandfather?”

Had I not been watching, I wouldn’t have seen the slight wince. It made me nervous. Getting into a war with Cash was one thing. Pissing off the Wolf was another entirely.

“Angry,” Rafael finally admitted. “I knew he would be, but he’s making things difficult.”

“Hence why we haven’t gotten our information.” I’d known that was the case, but it still sucked. We were depending on Rafael’s intel. If he couldn’t get it… “Do we need to rethink our plan?”

“No. I’ll get what you need. It’s just taking me more time than I thought it would.”

As O’Bannon glared at me from one side of the room and Joaquin from another, I sighed, though I tried not to let the weariness show on my face. “Time is the one thing we don’t have.”

“I’ll fix it,” Rafael promised, but how much did his promises count for? The truth was, I didn’t know him. He could’ve been lying through his teeth, and I’d be none the wiser.

When I didn’t answer, Rafael turned as if he’d walk away, and I couldn’t help myself. “Will you be all right with…things?” I didn’t want anyone knowing who Rafael was, and I definitely didn’t want to let people know how close the Wolf was to our doorstep.

If the other territory leaders got wind of the danger, they’d kill me the second they could.

“I’ll handle my father. You don’t have to worry about me, tesorita.”

But I would. I always worried about my people. That was my job. Regardless of how uncertain I was about him, Rafael was family.

“I hope you’re right.”

He was almost out of earshot when he muttered, “So do I.”

After Joaquin and O’Bannon took their separate entourages and left, the reception felt almost normal. The bride and groom cut the cake. They smiled. They drank. They had too much fun. Then we cheered them off as they left for their honeymoon, as far away from the city as they could safely get.

No bloodshed. No death. No threats and no Cash.

It was as perfect as it could’ve been.

With the guests of honor gone, the crowd disbanded, and people congratulated me on everything from the party to the alliance before heading out. I was watching the last of them climb into their cars—thank god for chauffeurs—when arms banded around my waist. I felt a moment of tension before I realized who it was and relaxed in his grip.

“I have a surprise for you,” Greyson said. It wasn’t the words that clued me in, but the timbre of his voice. Slow and teasing, like he wanted to say every word against my skin. “Are you too tired?”
