Page 86 of I Thought of You

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“Drummond’s General Store. Price speaking.”

“Hi,” I say in a fake voice. “I was wondering if you have anything for bad gas during sex?”

Koen snorts.

“As a matter of fact, I do. But the store is closed until tomorrow. However, if you have cayenne pepper and vapor rub at home, you can mix equal parts and rub it on your anus in a counterclockwise motion, and that should take care of it.”

Koen presses his fist to his mouth and shakes with silent laughter.

“I’m worried about you,” I say in my normal voice.

Price chuckles. “Me? I’m worried about you having gas during sex. Or are you calling for Koen?”

“Fuck you,” Koen says.

“Oh, hey, buddy! How’s your first time in Philly going?”

“My parents love him,” I say, pinching Koen’s cheek.

“I’m not surprised. He’s spirited. And fiery. You know … because he’s a welder. Did you guys catch that pun?”

“Hilarious,” Koen says.

“Did Scrot do okay at the store with you?” I ask.

“Other than the display of chocolate he ate, yes, he did just fine.”

“I’m already regretting checking in on you, but Koen’s been missing his BFF and copilot, so I said we could call before you left for home.”

“Well, kids, I’m fine. Still kicking. I walked the mutt this morning, and I’ll let him piss in my yard before bed. So take your time. No need to rush back to fragile old me. A little terminal cancer never hurt anyone.”

I feel Koen’s gaze on me as tears well in my eyes. “I …” My voice cracks while attempting to clear the emotion from my throat, but it’s lodged too deeply.

“Kiss my Scrotum for me, would ya?” Koen asks, saving me from drowning.

Price laughs.

“Welp, it’s late.” Koen squeezes my waist a little tighter as I struggle to keep a semblance of composure. “We love ya, buddy. Goodnight.” He ends the call before Price can respond.

I cup a hand over my mouth and choke on a sob. Did Koen really just say that? Did my future husband feel my desperation and tell my first love, "We love ya?”

He’s too good for me. I don’t deserve Koen Sikes.

Sobs continue to wrack my body. Koen leans us back on the bed and strokes my hair while I make a teary mess of his shirt.And he does all this without knowing the true depths of my despair. I need to tell Price the truth. This is killing me.

As I catch my breath and the last of my tears release, the tide of my emotions shifts from grief to gratitude.

From gratitude to love.

From love to need.

I slide my hands along his chest and kiss his neck. “I never thought I could love someone…” my mouth brushes his ear “…more than I loved him.” As my lips hover over his, and he gazes into my tired, swollen eyes, I whisper, “I was so very wrong.”

Koen gives me the hint of a smile while his fingers brush hair away from my eyes. “He’s a good person. And he’s my friend, too.”

A few more tears sneak out and down my face. “I need you.”

“You have me.”

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