Page 44 of I Thought of You

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I cringe. How sexy am I? Flailing around naked in a panic to get my bed clean before the mood is lost.

As soon as I get the stones in their containers, I slide the rest of the supplies into a shoe box and nudge it with my foot into the cubby under the bed. And then it’s quiet, save for Koen's steady, audible breaths. I can’t see his eyes, but he’s asleep, shirtless with his jeans unfastened, and the erection behind his briefs looks to be relaxing into a slumber as well.

I cover my face with my hands and contemplate crying. Then I consider waking him up. Finally, I slip on his discarded shirt, turn off the lights, and curl up beside him on the bed.

Hours later, I wake with a tiny gasp, feeling a little disoriented and a lot …

Oh god.


My hips adjust to the calloused hands, spreading my bent knees a little wider. The warm, wet tongue teasing between my legs pulls a tiny gasp from my open mouth. Silky strands of hair tangle with my fingers when I reach for Koen’s head between my legs.

My other hand grips the sheet as he hums. When he crawls up my body, he takes the T-shirt with him, drawing it over my head and tossing it onto the floor. My hands skate along his back, soft skin, and hard muscles to his butt.

He’s naked.

Our gazes meet in the dim streetlight that’s made its way through the gap between the shades.

“Hi,” he whispers with that irresistible smile.

“Hi.” I grin just before he kisses me while lowering his body until his hips are cradled between my legs and the head of his erection slides across my clit. He repeats this over and over while we kiss, his tongue becoming more demanding with each stroke and each tiny lift of my hips off the mattress.

“Is this okay?” he asks in a restrained voice.

I nod, and he fills me.

This is living. Euphoria is my drug of choice.

“God … that feels good.” I close my eyes.

Sex is a basic human instinct. Why do we complicate life?

Good food.

Good friends.

A sunny day.

Mind-blowing sex.

Koen’s lips bend into a smile when he kisses me. My fingers dig into his flesh because I want him to know how much I love this. This is a moment—a really good one. Our bodies search for pleasure, moving together like we were made to do. My lips part with unrestrained moans until I release, drowning in endorphins. Koen quickly follows and collapses on top of me.

“So …” I pant. “So, so good …”

He rolls to his back with a chuckle as we catch our breaths.

After a few minutes, I lean to the side and kiss his chest. “Be right back.”

When I return from the bathroom, Koen sits up, legs hanging over the side of the bed. He pulls me between them and kisses the swell of my breasts while his hands skate up the back of my legs to my butt.

“Wanna do it again?” I ask, teasing the hair around his ears.

“Hell yeah.”


