Page 89 of Fire & Frenzy

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“That’s why his last three girlfriends broke up with him. Apparently, they want men with a little more edge.”

“I married a man with edge. I buried him too.” Her tone was sharp, but then her expression softened. “I like to think that if Chase and I had met when we were a little older, my life would’ve taken a different turn.”

“Is he the one who got away?” I asked.

“Hey, guys!” Savage called out. “Grub is ready!”

“Thank goodness. I’m hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast,” Rach said. “Come on, I’ve all but kidnapped you from the party. Let’s get some food and you can get to know the Old Ladies.”

“What are Old Ladies?”

“Biker lingo for wives and serious girlfriends of club members.”

A little girl with blonde ringlets was throwing a temper tantrum and Darcy grabbed a plate of food and then the little girl’s hand, and all but dragged her into the clubhouse.

“Crap,” Rach muttered. “I’ll be back.”

She followed after Darcy and I wondered what was going on, but my attention was diverted when Savage handed me a plate with a cheeseburger.

“Thanks,” I said.

“Lemme know if it’s cooked the way you want it,” Savage said.

“It’s perfect.”

“You haven’t tried it yet.”

I picked it up and took a bite. “Delicious,” I muttered around the beef.

Savage grinned.

I loaded up my plate with sides and then headed back toward the group of ladies. The conversation was put on hiatus as we all chowed down. I was halfway finished with my burger when Tavy came outside.

She hadn’t stopped off at home to change and she was wearing a pair of lavender scrubs.

My best friend immediately beelined to me. I had a fork with some potato salad on it, and without a word or greeting Tavy reached over and picked up my cheeseburger and took a huge bite.

“If you’d waited two minutes, Savage would’ve had a fresh burger ready for you,” I said.

“Can’t.” She chewed and swallowed. “Low blood sugar.”

“I like you already,” Sutton said to her.

“Thanks, I like you too. Whoever you are.”

Sutton grinned. “I’m Sutton.”

It was another round robin of introductions. Even though Tavy had been in town a few days longer than me, she’d been working most of the time and the Old Ladies, aside from Willa, hadn’t come by the clubhouse.

“How’s the apartment hunting? Wanna gouge your eyes out yet?” she asked.

“Actually, that’s settled. Brooklyn is my savior,” I said, shooting the pregnant woman a look of gratitude. “She’s got a vacant apartment over her bakery and she’s offered to rent it to me.”

“Bakery?” Tavy asked. “I need a bakery.”

Brooklyn squinted in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

“Sorry. What I meant to say was I have a patient on bed rest post-op, and she loves scones. Like loves loves loves them. So, I thought if I could find a stellar scone it might make her not so crotchety. And I really need for her not to be crotchety.”
