Page 85 of Fire & Frenzy

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I turned my back on Smoke and approached her.

“Everyone, this is Logan, Tavy’s friend,” Willa announced.

My mind whirled as the ladies introduced themselves.

“Where is Tavy, by the way?” Brooklyn asked. The brunette rested a hand on her baby bump.

“Still working,” I explained. “She’ll be here this afternoon.”

“How are you liking Waco so far?” Allison asked. The bottle-blonde bounced her toddler on her knee as she peered at me with curious eyes.

“Not sure yet,” I admitted as I took a vacant chair. “I haven’t really explored much. I’m on an apartment hunt right now. It’s not going very well.”

The back door opened and Mia came out, carrying a platter of humus and veggies. She set it down on the table in the middle of the circle and then sat down. “What are we talking about?”

“Logan’s inability to find an apartment,” Sutton said.

“If only you and Viper would stop the baby making fever long enough to go house hunting, Logan could move into The Hostel,” Joni joked. The infant in her arms made a cooing noise, momentarily pulling her attention.

“Viper’s got a one track mind,” Sutton said. “He’s very determined. I’d hate to try and stop him, you know?”

I glanced in the direction she was looking to see her staring at a hulk of a man who stood with Smoke and the other South Dakota boys.

“The Hostel?” I asked in confusion.

“It’s a running joke,” Mia said. “I own a house that I turned into a rental. Brooklyn and Slash have lived there. Willa and her sister have lived there. And currently Sutton and Viper live there.”

“No one ends up staying for very long,” Willa expounded. “It’s like a landing pad. Hence the nickname The Hostel.”

“I could use a landing pad,” I admitted. “The clubhouse is fine for now, but I could really use my own space.”

My own space away from Smoke, so I don’t accidentally-on-purpose knock on his door and ask him to—

“Wait,” Brooklyn said. “I have a solution.”

“Your apartment,” Willa said.

Brooklyn nodded. “I own a bakery and there’s an apartment over it. It’s vacant and it’s already furnished. There’s even a new intercom.”

“Are you my fairy godmother?” I asked with a laugh. “I’ll take it!”

“We get deliveries really early in the morning, though. Big trucks that make a lot of noise,” Brooklyn said.

“I sleep like the dead,” I assured her. “When can I move in?”

“I’ll be at the bakery tomorrow if that works for you. I can give you keys then.”

“That’s perfect.” I let out a sigh of relief.

“Her bakery makes the best coffee,” Willa said. “You’re going to get spoiled.”

“Coffee?” Joni shook her head. “Brooklyn makes the best pastries.”

“You guys, stop,” Brooklyn said, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

Without a word, Darcy abruptly stood up from the group and went inside. She had only introduced herself, but she hadn’t said anything else.

The mood of the women suddenly shifted and a few of them made eye contact, seemingly to have a conversation I wasn’t privy to.
