Page 64 of Fire & Frenzy

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With an aggrieved sigh, he put the truck into drive.

The rest of the ride to Waco was silent, charged with words we didn’t have to say, punctuated by sexual desire that showed no signs of abating.

Smoke turned off the main road onto a gravel one.

“Clubhouse is just down this road.”

The truck bounced and jostled, and I grabbed the door to brace myself as we rode.

Two men wearing leather vests stood at a gate, which they opened after seeing Smoke. They waved as we drove through. Smoke parked along the far edge of the gravel lot where a bunch of motorcycles were currently parked.

“Home sweet home,” Smoke said as he cut the engine. “Welcome to the clubhouse, cupcake.”

Lights illuminated the porch, and I could see shadowy figures currently perched in chairs. One of the shadows jumped up and ran down the steps.

“Incoming,” I said with a laugh as I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and wrenched open the door.

“You’re here!” Tavy screamed.

I hopped down from the truck bed, and she launched herself at me. She was close enough that I could smell tequila on her breath.

“Margs?” I asked in amusement, pulling back.

“Raze makes a mean margarita,” she said with a wide grin. “Want one?”

“I’m good for now.”

The driver’s side door slammed shut and Smoke came around the hood of the truck. “Should I be offended that you’re happier to see your best friend than you are your own father?”

“Hi, Daddy,” she greeted as she embraced him. “Thanks for taking care of my friend.”

Smoke’s eyes met mine. “My pleasure.”

My cheeks blazed with heat.

Oh yeah, he took really good care of me…

“You guys hungry?” Tavy asked as she pulled back from hugging Smoke. “We ordered a ton of Mexican food.”

“I could eat,” I admitted.

Tavy linked her arm with mine and all but dragged me up the porch steps. “We can get your luggage later.”

Three leather-clad figures stepped into the light of the porch. They appeared to be in their late thirties or early forties, but it was hard to tell because they were muscular and good looking.

Tavy pointed to a man with dark hair and blue eyes. “Bones.” Then she gestured to the other two. “And that’s Kelp and Raze.”

“I’m Logan,” I introduced.

“Logan?” Raze repeated. “You’re Logan?”

I looked at Tavy. “You told them about me, didn’t you?”

“I told them my best friend was coming to live with me,” Tavy said with a devious grin.

“Seriously? You’re Logan?” Bones asked.

“You want to see her fucking ID?” Smoke snapped.

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