Page 196 of Fire & Frenzy

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He stared at me for a long moment.

“What?” I asked.

“Would you go…with me? I’d like to introduce you to my parents.”

My heart fluttered in my chest. I reached out and gently ran a finger across his jaw. “Yeah. I’ll go.”

Chapter 41

“This is a terrible idea. This is the worst idea we’ve ever had. What the hell were we thinking?” I demanded, shooting Smoke a panicked look.

He settled his hand on my thigh. “It’s not gonna get any easier. We said we were going to tell her, and we’re telling her. Today. We’re planning a future together…we have to tell her.”

The last few days had sped by in a daze of sex and talking. Our walls had come down and now it felt like we were inseparable. He’d left for just a few hours to deal with club business and my chest had ached until he came back.

I was completely enamored with Smoke. The intimacy between us was drugging, and despite the swiftness of our relationship progressing, I didn’t have any anxiety about him wanting me to become his Old Lady when the time was right. It was surreal, but every time I thought about spending my life with him and being part of the club family, it made me giddy.

Now it was D day. The day that would live in infamy.

The day we’d tell Tavy her father and her best friend were in a serious relationship.

“It’s gonna be fine,” he said. When I raised my eyebrows at him, he grinned. “Okay, maybe not fine. But when she realizes this isn’t just a fling she’ll come around. It’s going to be tough, but she has to know how important you are to me.”

Despite my nerves, the smell of barbecue made my belly rumble. “I need to use the restroom,” I said.

Smoke slid out of the booth and I got up. He placed his hand on my hip and leaned down to kiss me. “Only way out is through.”

“How comforting.” I snorted.

He let me go and I followed the signs to the bathroom. I didn’t have to use the restroom, but I needed a moment alone to compose myself.

But Smoke was right. This wasn’t going to get any easier, so facing it tonight was the only way to move forward. We couldn’t hide any longer. Not only was it disrespectful to my best friend, but it was disrespectful to Smoke and I, and what was blooming between us.

I splashed some cool water on my heated cheeks and took a deep breath. I could do this. I could face my best friend.

The restaurant was starting to pick up for the rush and I had to dodge out of the way of servers carrying plates of food on my way back to the table. It wasn’t until I approached that I saw Tavy had already arrived.

Her dark hair was thrown up into a messy ponytail and it looked like she’d driven to the restaurant straight from her out-of-town patient.

She looked at me, a quizzical frown marring her face. “Hey. What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting for dinner tomorrow night?”

Smoke grasped my hand and pulled me down into the booth next to him.

“What’s going on?” Tavy asked, her gaze bouncing between me and her father.

“I’m dating Logan,” Smoke said without preamble.

I whirled to glare at him. “Jeez. Ever heard of bedside manner?”

“Won’t change the truth,” Smoke said.

“You’re…you guys are dating?” Tavy looked perplexed, like the words hadn’t yet permeated her brain.

I nodded. “Yeah. We’re dating.”

“But how? When?” She glanced at Smoke, but her gaze settled on me as realization set in. “You lied to me, didn’t you? About the extra toothbrush in your bathroom?”

“Yes.” I winced. “I did lie about that. I wasn’t ready to—we didn’t know if—” I sighed. “Let me start over. We weren’t even sure this was going to be anything other than something physical, so we didn’t want to tell you until we knew.”

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