Page 188 of Fire & Frenzy

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“You do now.”

* * *

“Where the hell is Doc?” Willa muttered.

Joni checked her phone. “Stuck in traffic, I imagine.”

“Anyone want more tea?” Rach asked, rising from her spot on the couch.

“Fuck the tea,” Darcy stated. “We need something stronger.”

Sutton shook her head. “The last thing we need is to break out the liquor. I’m ready to rage already. Bourbon will just add fuel to the fire.”

All of the Old Ladies, except for Doc, were in the living room at Rach’s house. The babies were upstairs, napping. We’d congregated at Rach’s because it was private.

“Maybe we should order some food while we wait for Doc,” Mia suggested.

“I have zero appetite,” Willa said.

“Same,” Allison remarked.

Brooklyn’s phone blew up with an incoming call. She grimaced. “It’s Slash. And I’m so pissed I don’t want to talk to him. But if I don’t talk to him, he’ll call until he gets ahold of me—even if that means calling Brielle or Jazz.”

“And Jazz saw us both in a state of anger when we left the bakery,” I said.

“Damn,” Brooklyn said. “Better answer it.” She put the phone to her ear. “Hey.”

Willa winced and whispered. “I heard her rage through that one word.”

I nodded in agreement.

“Can’t really talk,” Brooklyn said, her tone brusque. “I’m about to walk into a meeting with a bride. I’ll call you later.” She paused. “Hmm. Okay. Yeah. Bye.”

She hung up and set her phone onto the end table and settled her hand over her belly.

“You didn’t tell him you loved him,” Sutton said. “Slash is definitely going to know you’re mad at him.”

“Good,” Brooklyn said. “I don’t care if he knows I’m mad at him.”

The front door opened and Doc strode into the living room. “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s fine,” Mia said. “But now that we’re all here, let’s get down to business.”

“Before we start, are you sure I should be here?” I asked. “I’m not an Old Lady. I’m not involved.”

“You really still think you’re not involved, huh?” Joni asked.

“I guess I don’t feel like I have the right to be here,” I stated. “Smoke and I…”

“Did you break up?” Sutton asked.

“Yeah, I think we broke up last night.” Sadness permeated my heart. “He said I was just supposed to trust him and I could take it or leave it. So I kicked him out of my apartment.”

“I could kill Duke with my bare hands,” Willa stated. “I can’t believe he’d go along with this. Especially with my history.”

“Your history?” I asked in surprise. “Were you a stripper?”

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