Page 169 of Fire & Frenzy

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Willa looked at me. “I’ll call you.”

I gave her a brief hug, grabbed my stuff, and quickly headed outside. Willa had her hands full with two teenage girls in the house. I didn’t envy her—but I was insanely curious about the situation brewing between Dylan and Waverly.

There was something so angsty about watching them fight.

My phone rang and I stood on the sidewalk to search through my bag for my cell.

“I don’t know if I’m mad at you,” I said as I put the phone to my ear.

“Let me take you to dinner and convince you why you’re not mad at me,” Smoke said.

“You came down to the bakery this morning and the Old Ladies might as well have walked in on us in the middle of coitus.”

“I came down to the bakery because you didn’t have your phone on you and I had to leave. I didn’t want to slip out the back without a word. Plus, it wasn’t like I knew the Old Ladies were going to be there.”

“Okay, fair. But I’ve been dodging questions left and right and now everyone knows what’s going on between us. Everyone except Tavy.”

“I’m talking to Tavy the night she gets back into town.”

“Yeah, I know that. I called and asked her to have dinner and you had already nabbed the spot. Now I’m supposed to meet up with her the day after. That is if she’ll even still talk to me after what you tell her. I should come to dinner with you the night you tell her. Yes, that’s—”


“What? Why not?”

“Because if she gets pissed—”

“When. When she gets pissed,” I said.

“Right. When she gets pissed, I don’t want you to have to deal with the blowback.”

Part of me wanted to let him handle it. The other part me of realized I had to be brave. Face this head on. Even if I didn’t like the fallout that happened.

“I appreciate that,” I said softly. “I do. But you can’t do this alone.”


“Are we in this together or not?”

He sighed. “Yeah, okay. But if she yells at you—”

“You let her. You let her, Smoke. Because if there’s any chance that Tavy will accept that I’m dating her father, then she needs to be able to let out her feelings and say whatever it is she needs to say. Even if it’s really bad.”

“You know her better than I do,” he said quietly. “I kind of hate that.”

“I know. You’ll get to know her. That’s why she moved here.”

“Let me take you to dinner tonight.”

I smiled. “All right. You pick a place. I still don’t know the town.”

“I’ll text you.”

We hung up and I shoved my phone into my purse.

“So, you’re dating your friend’s dad?”

I whirled, my hand flying to my chest. Waverly stood behind me, her hands shoved into the back pockets of her jeans.
