Page 143 of Fire & Frenzy

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“Hey.” Tavy bobbed her head.

“I took her here on one of our very first dates, back when I was trying to get her to fall in love with me,” Duke said.

“I was already in love with you. The meatballs just solidified my feelings,” Willa teased, placing a hand on her husband’s chest. “We come here or do take out at least once a week. It’s our ritual.”

“I love that,” I said with a smile.

“How do you get a menu?” Tavy inquired.

“You don’t,” Duke replied. “Mama Leonardi will bring you food and wine.”

“What if I don’t like what she brings me?” Tavy asked.

“Won’t happen,” Duke assured her.

“She’s like a food savant,” Willa said. “Her husband is the one cooking in the kitchen. Just sit back and enjoy the magic.”

The kitchen door swung open and Mama Leonardi came out carting a platter of antipasti, which she set down in front of us. She turned to Willa and Duke, her expression morphing into utter joy.

She kissed their cheeks, patted Willa’s belly, and then whisked away to the bar. She poured two glasses of white wine and returned to our table. Mama Leonardi gestured to our food.


“That means eat,” Duke said.

Tavy chuckled. “Got that. Thanks.” She picked up an olive and popped it into her mouth. I watched as her expression completely changed into one of pure delight.

“That’s the best olive I’ve ever had,” Tavy commented.

“Try the roasted red peppers,” Willa suggested. “You’ll never be the same again.”

Mama Leonardi looked at me and arched a brow, as if tacitly saying Why haven’t you tried my amazing food?

I took Willa’s suggestion and reached for a roasted red pepper. I nodded as I chewed. “Yep. Total convert.” I beamed at Mama Leonardi.

She spoke again in Italian and then turned to address Duke and Willa. Duke nodded. Mama Leonardi floated away to the kitchen.

“Do you understand Italian?” I asked Duke.

“Yep,” Duke replied.

“He’s learning Italian with my sister,” Willa explained.

“What did she say to you?” Tavy wondered.

“She said our food was almost ready but to sit at the bar and have a drink. Well, I’m supposed to have a drink. Willa will have something non-alcoholic.”

“We’ll let you guys get back to your dinner,” Willa said.

The two of them went to the intimate L-shaped bar and sat down.

“Try the wine,” Tavy said to me. “It’s diabolical. And I have no idea what it is.”

I took a small sip and nodded. “Bright and crisp. Cuts the heaviness of the food.”

She rolled her eyes but smiled. “You sound like you know what you’re talking about.”

“Hmm, all those expensive Michelin-star restaurants Knox took me to taught me a lot about food and wine.”
