Page 141 of Fire & Frenzy

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“If I had my own place, you could spend the night. The whole night.”

I smiled. “And you wouldn’t kick me out the moment we were finished?”

“Nah.” He scooted closer, wormed his free hand underneath the coverlet, and rested it on my belly.

“Did you ever kick women out of the clubhouse? The ones you’ve slept with?”

“I’m not gonna talk about other women I’ve been with. And I’m definitely not gonna talk about them while I’m in bed with you.”

“So thoughtful,” I murmured.

His scent and warmth were luring me to sleep. It was amazing what good sex could do to relax a person.

“Talked with Prez today,” Smoke said.

“Hmm. What about?”

“The apartment complex. Colt wants to hire you. He’s going to call you to discuss it.”

“He hasn’t even seen the mockups for the space,” I said. “Why would he want to hire me before he knows the kind of job I can do?”

“Apparently he trusts you—what with being such a straight shooter about the state the apartment building’s in.”

“On a scale of one to angry, how bad was it?”


“Yeah, I don’t blame him.”

“Zip also told Prez you were at his house yesterday morning talking to Joni about joists and stuff. So he gets that you know what you’re talking about.”

“For their kitchen renovation. We were discussing load-bearing walls.”

“Looks like you’ve got work coming out your ears.”

“It would seem that way. I wonder how much longer I can pretend that I don’t have a viable business waiting for me to take the plunge.”

“I think you’d be great at it.”

I laughed. “You say that with such authority.”

“Well, let’s look at the facts. Your brothers work with your father in a family-owned business.”


“You clearly have enough projects under your belt to handle anything from a home kitchen renovation to a hotel lobby.”

“How do you know I worked on a hotel lobby?”

“Mia might’ve looked you up online and saw your portfolio.”

“Ah. Well, I didn’t handle the hotel lobby on my own. I was part of a team.”

“Splitting hairs.”

“No, I’m just not taking credit that’s not mine.”

“I’m ignoring that part. You’re looking for a fresh start. This could be part of that fresh start.”
