Page 130 of Fire & Frenzy

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“How the heck did you know all that about my life?” I demanded.

“Jazz and Brielle told Brooklyn. Brooklyn told me and the Old Ladies. It’s kind of how the grapevine works.”

“Like a game of telephone?”

“Pretty much.”

“Well, you didn’t get the entire story. I went out to dinner with Brielle and Jazz and then Brielle’s brothers joined us. But then Brielle lost her shit on her brothers and needed a ride home. So, I obliged. Technically I didn’t even hang out with them.”

“Are you coming over for dinner or not?”

I laughed. “Give me the time, address, and what I can bring.”

“I’ll text you everything. And just bring yourself. I’ve got the food handled.”

Chapter 30

After what was supposed to be a quick cat nap that turned into passing out all afternoon, I stood on Rachel’s front doorstep holding a blueberry pie.

Rach opened the front door, a sleepy boy on the curve of her hip.

She smiled. “Come on in.”

“Thanks,” I said, stepping inside the foyer. It was a two-story red brick home with blue shutters. Everything about the place screamed modern white-picket-fence. I couldn’t imagine a biker living here.

“What did you bring? I told you not to bring anything,” Rach said. She shut the door and then kicked the pairs of shoes that rested by the door out of the walkway.

“But I live above a bakery. Seems ridiculous not to bring anything. And it’s blueberry pie.” I grinned. “It’s not huckleberry, but it’ll have to do.”

“Huckleberry.” Rach moaned. “I miss huckleberry everything. Oh, Idaho, I love you, except for your winters…”

“Same.” I peered at the baby on her hip. “Is this your son? Or a loaner?”

“This is Cash. He’s six months old.” She patted the baby’s back and in a moment of pure bashfulness, he tucked his blond head into the crook of Rach’s neck.

“He just woke up from his nap,” Rach explained. “He’s normally very friendly.”

“Well, I won’t take it personally.”

“Sorry, I’m blabbing. Come into the kitchen,” she said. “What can I get you to drink? Soda? Wine?”

“Soda’s great for me.” I followed her into the kitchen. “Love the space. Joni must be jealous.”

Rachel sniggered as she set Cash in his highchair and buckled him in. “You saw her kitchen, didn’t you?”

“I was there this morning,” I admitted. “Beautiful house, though. The kitchen…not so much. We’re working on a plan.”

“Love that.”

Rach walked to the double-door fridge and pulled out a can of soda and handed it to me. “Ice?”

“Nah, I’m good, thanks. Is your mom here?”

“No. She’s at the community center with some new friends. They’re having dinner and seeing a movie tonight. My mother has a more active social life than I do,” Rach joked.

She grabbed a banana from the counter and cut a few small pieces and placed them on Cash’s highchair tabletop. He greedily grabbed them with his pudgy fingers and shoved them into his mouth.

“And you want your social life to be more active?” I asked.
