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I’m chock-full of nerves and really want to make a good first impression with James’s friends. I know this is a casual night, not a dinner party or anything serious, but I decided to dress up a bit nicer than usual. I’ve foregone my leggings or jeans in favor of a white skirt that ends a few inches above my knees and flows around my thighs as I move.

After we got back from the grocery store, James sat and watched me give myself a pedicure with fascination, and I teased him relentlessly about it as soon as I was done, making the tips of his ears turn red. My bright pink toenail polish pops against the fancy white sandals I’ve paired with my outfit.

I feel cute with my hair hanging down in soft waves and slightly more makeup applied than usual. More put-together. Happy and eager to meet his friends, who I hope will become my friends after tonight.

I switch Grayson to one shoulder and answer the door with a wide smile. “Hi! Please come in,” I say way too loudly in all my excitement, and I inwardly cringe. I step back and hold the door open for them, but none of the three adults make a move to enter, giving me time to take stock of them.

The guy standing closest to me is even taller than James, with deep, dark skin. He has short, tightly curled black hair, a wider-set square jaw, and an orange backpack slung over his shoulder. Behind his black-rimmed glasses, his rich brown eyes are huge, and his mouth parts with an audible puff of air.

Standing behind him is another guy, much shorter and paler than James. He has curly red hair that falls just past his shoulders and a full red beard. Much like the first guy, his mouth hangs open, though he recovers faster and gives me a timid smile.

The woman standing next to him has gorgeous chestnut-brown hair and green eyes. She, too, is wearing a skirt, but it’s a short black and red plaid pattern worn over sheer black tights that end in shiny, platform combat boots.

With her tight, low-cut black T-shirt and pointy burgundy nails, she is, in short, way cooler than me and seriously stunning. Well, she would be if she weren’t eyeing me with suspicion and a pinched expression. Strike that, she’s still pretty, but I’m taken aback by the way she pushes her way through the guys and into the house with a huff.

“Who are you? Where’s James?” she demands.

My smile falters, but I force it back in place. I’m sure she’s just confused and hasn’t realized who I am yet. I mean, I’d be hesitant if a stranger answered his door, especially if it was another woman, though that shouldn’t matter to her since she and James are just friends.

“He’s just finishing up in the kitchen. Oh! Speak of the devil,” I say as James comes around the corner with a big, toothy smile, and Lainey sitting on his arm. I’m not the only one dressed up a little nicer than usual. He looks so handsome in the dark blue Henley that makes his blue eyes pop and black jeans, both of which he let me pick out for tonight.

“Hey guys, long time no see,” James says to the group.

The woman forgets all about me as she accepts James’s side hug with an even wider smile than his, though her eyes flick to Lainey and quickly away. The guys are all back slaps and bro hugs after they step inside. James is more animated than I’ve seen him with anyone else save for me, and it’s so good to see him surrounded by friends. It’s such a striking contrast to how he interacted with his family, and it makes my heart happy that he has these three in his life.

I close the door and follow the group out of the small entryway into the living room. When James’s eyes land on me, he motions me to his side, and I gladly step into him as he rests his hand on my lower back.

Before James can introduce me, the taller man in pressed dark blue jeans rocks back on his Nikes and says, “Ah, you must be the infamous babysitter, Shayla. Hi”—he holds out his hand for me to shake—“I’m Isaiah. It’s really nice to meet you. I’ve heard you’ve been nothing short of a lifesaver. And this little man must be Grayson, yeah?” He shakes his chubby little fist next, and I smile at the gesture and the gummy smile Grayson gives him. “Cute, real cute.” Except he’s not looking at Grayson when he says it. He’s looking at me.

James clears his throat and slips his hand around my hip, which makes Isaiah smirk. “This here is Martin,” James says as he gestures to the redhead in a Metallica band T-shirt and much-loved red Converse.

“Hello. Good to meet you,” Martin says, surprising the hell out of me with the deepest, smoothest voice I’ve ever heard in my life. Holy moly, that voice!

“Oh wow, I bet you’d make a killing as an audiobook narrator,” I say with awe.

Martin’s face flames as red as his hair when we shake hands, and he cracks a small, closed-mouthed smile. James and Isaiah guffaw and Isaiah slaps him on the shoulder at his embarrassment. Oops.

James motions to the stunning, suspicious woman. “And lastly, this is—”

“Mara.” She gives me a faux saccharine-sweet smile that doesn’t match her tone. When I take her hand to shake it, she squeezes mine in an unexpectedly cold, tight grip. “You’re not joining our game, are you?”

I subtly shake out my hand when she finally releases it. “Oh no, I don’t know how to play. And besides, I’ll have my hands full with these two, isn’t that right, Grayson?” I say as I nuzzle his cheek when he wiggles in my arms.

“Oh, isn’t he just the cutest little boy! Can I hold him?” she asks James in a much sweeter tone, giving him a wide-eyed puppy look I don’t like.

I reluctantly pass Grayson to her, and she grimaces at his weight. He eats like a champ, all those extra calories I consume contributing to his adorably chunky rolls. It’s clear in the way she holds him away from her that she’s not used to holding a baby. I’m quick to show her how to do so more comfortably, for both their sakes, which she seems to take offense to. She quickly fixes her face and coos at Grayson when James frowns at her.

Awkwardness fills the room, but thankfully, Isaiah breaks it by asking, “And who’s this little munchkin?” Lainey squeals in delight and kicks her legs when he tickles her chin, which makes everyone but Mara laugh.

“This is my Angelainey,” James replies.

“Your Angelainey, huh? Interesting name,” he says with his eyebrows raised.

“Her name is actually Lainey, but James calls her ‘Angelainey’,” I say.

“Because she’s my little angel,” James says with pride, and I’m sure I’m giving him all the heart eyes when he kisses her temple.

“And she’s your…niece?” Isaiah asks, his eyes switching from James to me and back again.
