Page 145 of Brutal Ambition

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I end the call and put my phone away, then I take out my books and try to make sense of the notes I took in physics class.

I must look as confused as I feel because when Liam comes over, he asks, “Everything okay?”

I look up, but he’s looking at my clothes, not the clear confusion written all over my face. “Oh. Yeah, I’m just trying to decode my physics notes. I kind of spaced out in class and have no idea what any of this means.”

“You want to look at mine?” he asks, reaching into his messenger back and drawing out his physics notebook.

“Yes, please.” I reach for them. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem,” he says, dropping onto the seat next to me.

Since his notes are far better than the ones I took, I quickly copy down everything. Just as I’m finishing up, I hear a familiar sigh, and then Killian’s voice.

“Liam, buddy, how many times am I gonna have to ask you to fuck off before you get the hint? Am I being too nice? I can be meaner.”

Eyes wide, I look up. “Um, excuse you. He’s welcome here. You’re not. He’s staying, and you can go.”

Killian’s eyebrows rise. “You sure about that?”

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

Despite saying that, and despite what a fucking jerk he’s being right now, my masochistic heart feels a squeeze of relief at seeing him that boggles the fucking mind.

Why would I feel relief seeing the source of all my pain?

It’s a momentary lapse, one that’s easy to vanquish when poor Liam quickly gathers his books and murmurs, “That’s okay, I should be going anyway.”

“Going where? We’re going to the same seminar.”

But it’s pointless.

He starts to walk away without his notes, and I have to call out, “Liam.”

He turns back, and I hold his notes up expectantly. “You forgot your notes.”

“Oh.” Flushing, he snatches them and then hurries away.

“There you go, Liam. Take your notes and get the fuck out of here.”

Once Liam has fled, I glare up at Killian. “You’re a bully.”

He shrugs. “I’ve been called worse.”

“What are you doing here, Killian? What do you want?” I ask tiredly.

Being the asshole he is, he drops into the seat Liam just vacated. “I hear today’s seminar’s really good. Didn’t want to miss it.”

“Uh-huh. I imagine you’re really into condensed matter and biological physics.”

“It’s a passion, really.”

“You need to go.”


“This is next-level audacity,” I state, looking over at him. “Truly, someone should make you a trophy and then shove it right up your ass.”

He smirks. “I don’t like things up my ass, but you can’t really be surprised by the audacity. You’ve ignored all my texts. How else was I supposed to reach you?”
