Page 120 of Highest Bidder

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He takes a beat. “Because when you are with me in this car, this is what we do. This is what I drive when I do your father’s errands. Not all business in this car is pleasant. But it is only about the numbers. It is not personal.”

“I’m sure it feels personal to the person whose face you rearrange.”

He laughs at that. “You are right.”

So, that’s what we’re up to, eh? He admits it? Which means I’m going to see him beat the crap out of someone today. Stellar. My stomach knots at the thought.

I kind of wish I’d worn a wire because that was a three-word confession that could land my father and Moss in prison. But the big guy gave me an uncomfortably thorough pat down before he let me into his car. No wire would have escaped his nimble fingers. Not that I blamed him for it. If I were in his line of business, I would have done the same thing.

But I guess I’m in his line of business. I sigh at myself. “Is this what you like doing, Moss?”

He shrugs his boulder shoulders. “It is what I am good at.”

“That sounds like a curse.”

“Only to someone who cannot appreciate my gifts. Your father does, though. I am surprised he let you in on this one. Your father has shielded you from so much of the world for so long that I thought he might end all of this before you succeed him. Guess not.”

I gulp. “What is it we’re doing, exactly?”

“No we. Me. You will watch me work.”

“Lucky me.”

“You like to watch, eh?” He laughs at his joke. “If you like watching, then I know a fantastic titty bar near our destination with the best buffet you have ever seen?—

“No, thanks. I already ate.” The thought of eating with Moss in a strip club is enough to turn my stomach.

“Then, while I eat, you can just watch the girls. They are nasty ones. They like each other. Put on a very good show.”

“I have somewhere to be after this. Didn’t Dad tell you? I have to get the money to the kidnappers for June.”

He nods along. “Oh, si. I forgot. Titty bar next time, then.”

With any luck, there won’t be a next time. Whatever this shit is, it ends the moment I’m in control of the firm. Hell, I’ll shut us down before I perpetuate whatever the fuck this is. I don’t care if I end up living in a box on the street so long as violence is not a part of my life.

We pull up to a bay of docks in an industrial area. He parks the car between some others like he wants to tuck in and hide the vehicle. This is an unexpected visit from Dad’s enforcer. We’re catching these people off-guard for a reason. Why? Would they attack us otherwise? Fan-fucking-tastic.

I’m not sure if that’s what I was expecting, but I didn’t have much in the way of expectations going into this. Just spending the time with a guy I do not like and heading off to do something illegal. My luck has officially run out.

It’s a gray day with an icy, stinking wind. Everything seems wet outside. New Jersey is a decent enough state, but I could never imagine living here. Even the nice places seem sketchy.

The docks are not one of the nice places of New Jersey.

I follow Moss to the rear of the SUV, and there, he opens the door. He lifts a gray blanket that blends in with the interior so well that I didn’t realize it was there. Beneath the blanket are guns.


He passes me a Glock 9mm. “You know how to use this?”

I pop out the clip and check the chamber. “Yeah. I do.”

He grabs a second gun for himself and a file folder, then grins. “Let’s get this party started, eh?”


Chapter 55

