Page 27 of Never Been Tamed

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"Nana, you will be the first person to know if I'm married."

"Well, I hope I'll be the first person to know when you have a girlfriend and when you're going to propose to her, and I'll be at the wedding," she says sternly. "If you surprise me with a wife, I will not be happy."

"Okay, Nana. Well, trust me, you will be the first person I send an invitation to when I get engaged.” Under my breath, I say, “Which is not likely to be ever.”

"I heard that, Jackson." She sighs, and I chuckle.

"How's Granddad? How are you?" I change the subject.

"We're both fine. Granddad is also hoping for some?—"

"If you say he's hoping for grandkids, I will hang up right now."

"Okay. Well, he's not waiting for grandkids," she says. "He's waiting for a grandson."


"I'm just being honest. You asked how we were doing. What are you doing up so early?"

"I am getting ready for work," I say as I look around the room.

"Oh, you do work too hard, Jackson. I know you're a workaholic, but?—"

"Don't worry, Nana. I'm not overworking, and I have a huge breakfast this morning, so I know that will make you happy."

"You know what will make me very happy?"

"No, what?"

"If you come over this weekend."

"This weekend I?—"

"Oh, Jackson. I don't have many years left."

"Fine, Nana. I'll come over."

"Okay, darling. Sunday lunch?"

"Yes, Nana, I'll be there."

"And feel free to bring that Ethan Rosser. I do like him."

"Well, he is dating someone now."

I stifle a groan. I know that's going to get Nana's hopes up. Because she knows that Ethan Rosser was a confirmed bachelor like me, and she's going to think that now that Ethan's engaged, I possibly could end up engaged. But that is not going to happen. Just because my dad had a stroke doesn't mean that my personality is also going to change.

I remove one of the silver covers from one of the plates, grab one of the fried potatoes, pop it into my mouth, and chew.

"Anyway, Nana, I really should be going now. I?—"

"I love you, Jackson."

"I love you, too, Nana."

"And you have a very good day at work, okay?"

"Yes, Nana."
