Page 103 of Never Been Tamed

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“No.” Lila shakes her head. “It’s not that. No man has ever left her broken.” She frowns. “But I’m sure you must wonder why she puts up with so much with Elise. And why she loves on those kids so hard.”

“Because she’s a good sister and aunt?”

“That’s part of it.” Lila nods. “But it’s more than just that. When Zara was growing up in Florida, she had a best friend. Her name was Sandra. They were thick as two thieves. Spent their childhoods together. Got through high school together. Zara said they were both a bit boy crazy and constantly talked about falling in love.”

“Okay.” I frown. There’s a pit in my stomach. I know I shouldn’t be jealous hearing about Zara falling in love with another man, but I am. I don’t want to hear it. But I know I have to. I’m ashamed to admit that I want to be the only man she’s loved. I want to be her everything. I want to be special. Because she’s the only woman who I’ve ever loved. And the only one who’s ever made me feel like I’m special.

“They would go on double dates and try and flirt with boys, but neither one of them ever had a boyfriend.” Lila pauses. “And then they got to senior year of high school.”

“What happened?” I ask “They both fell in love with the same guy?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “Zara decided to focus on college applications. She wanted to leave Florida. But Sandra was still focused on getting a boyfriend.” She looks around and smiles weakly. “She started hanging out with other friends, smoking weed, drinking, that sort of thing.”

“So they drifted apart? Their friendship ended?” My heart aches for Zara. I knew how hard it was to feel alone.

“They were still friends, but it wasn’t the same.” Lila takes a deep breath. “Zara got a job at a pizza place and didn’t go out as much. Sandra ended up meeting some guys from a local college. One of them showed her a lot of attention.”

“Did that make Zara jealous?”

“A little.” Lila nods. “She wanted to enjoy dating and parties as well, but between her part time job and studying, she couldn’t. She told me that she used to be so pissed off when Sandra would tell her stories about her college boyfriend.”

“So Sandra finally got herself a guy?”

“Yup. And she lost her virginity in a Walmart parking lot.” Lila frowns. “Dude was a loser.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Anyway, Sandra goes to this party. It’s a Saturday night. Zara wasn’t working that night, but Sandra hadn’t invited her. She said Zara was boring and college guys didn’t like nerds. It hurt Zara’s feelings. About midnight, Sandra calls Zara, but Zara doesn’t pick up, as she’s mad.” Lila pauses and takes another deep breath. “She texts Zara and asks her for a ride home, but Zara ignores her because she’s mad and feels like Sandra is just using her. Sandra calls her again and she picks up and Zara finally answers the phone and tells her off. She tells her that she’s done being used and that she needs to find someone else to ask a favor.”

“So she spoke up for herself! Good for her.”

“The next morning, Sandra’s mom calls Zara.” Lila’s eyes are watery. “She died.”

“What?” I frown as my heart sinks. “How?”

“Sandra got a ride from her boyfriend, who was drunk. I guess he was speeding, ran a red light and there was a collision. Sandra died on impact. That’s what the police said.” Lila’s face is sad. “Zara never forgave herself.” She reaches over and touches my arm. “She wishes she picked Sandra up. She blames herself for Sandra’s death. So now, she overcompensates. She does everything she can to be there for people she loves.”

“But it wasn’t her fault.” My heart grieves for Zara. “She shouldn’t carry that burden with her.”

“I know and I agree with you.” Lila nods. “When I met Zara, she was still in a lot of pain. She’s carried this for so long and while she is not grieving like she was anymore, I know she still writes letters to Sandra every day in her diary. She misses her. Sometimes I find her crying. Sometimes she lets Elise get away with murder. But she’s growing. I can see it in her. And her finding you. Well, it was a Godsend. She’s different with you. Feister. More alive than I’ve seen her in years. That night at the bar, when she met you. I saw a light in her eyes that I’ve never seen before.” She touches my shoulder. “And I’ve seen how you look at Elise. I’ve seen how confused and annoyed you are by the way she treats Zara and takes advantage. So I wanted you to know why. I wanted you to know that she’s not just a doormat. That she’s just trying to be there for everyone. Even at the cost of herself.”

“Even me.” I say, with a sigh.

“She loves you. In fact...” She pauses and I wonder what she was about to say. I stifle a sigh as look to the right and I see my grandma and Maisy.

"I just came over here to see how everything's going with my darling grandson." My grandma smiles at me and then looks at Lila. I can see her eyes narrowing as she stares at the blue and white dot dress that she's wearing. "And you are?" My grandma asks, raising an eyebrow as she looks at Lila.

"Hi, I'm Lila Haversham. I’m Zara's best friend. We went to college together. I guess I'll be your best friend-in-law or is that such a thing? Your new granddaughter's best friend-in-law?" Lila blinks as my grandma doesn’t respond.

Instead my grandma just stares at her and there's an uncomfortable silence.

"Grandma, this is Lila, Zara's best friend. And Zara's sister is here with the kids." I give my grandma a look. I will not have her being rude to Lila, Elise, or Zara again.

"Oh, so glad of you to have made it," my grandma says, staring at Lila. “And what do you do?”

"I'm an actress.” I can tell my grandma is not impressed and I’m not about to allow her to say anything to upset Lila. I put my arm around her. "You want to go and get a drink?"

"I think I need one," she says, nodding. "A very stiff rum and coke."
