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"She's also very beautiful," she added, unable to keep the envy out of her voice.

He glanced down at her, his eyes unreadable. "Yes, she is."

Her heart sank. Okay, it was official. He was attracted to Laythia, not her.


"Shall we head back to the chamber?" Vaarn asked after a few minutes. She'd felt the small glances he cast her way and saw the concern in his eyes, but Sadie didn't want to talk about it. How did she tell a guy who looked like him that her nose was out of joint because she'd realized he just wasn't in her league?

She nodded. "The quicker we get done here, the quicker we can get back home, right?"

"Of course." He inclined his head and extended his arm. The little gesture made her look up at him in surprise. He normally went out of his way to avoid touching her.

He herded her toward the door and envy filled her as the crowd parted before them. If she'd tried this on her own, she'd have been elbowed at least twice and trampled for good measure. What was it with aliens and being so damn tall?

"You go on ahead and sit down," he leaned in to murmur in her ear when they were only a few steps inside the door. "I see an old colleague I need to grab a quick word with."

She nodded, but didn't bother looking around to see who he approached. No doubt he was going to talk to Laythia again. No wonder he hadn't wanted her to come on this trip. He'd probably made plans to meet Laythia here, so she must have been a wrench in the works. Heat creeping across her cheeks at how badly she'd misinterpreted the signals from him, she kept her eyes firmly forward as she walked toward their seats on the other side of the room and sat down. Asshole should have said something before they left, and given her a heads up she was about to become the worst cock-block in all Human-Lathar history.

Perhaps she should just push him out of the airlock and pilot the LM15 home? Just one problem with that… she didn't know how to fly the damn thing.

Someone dropped into the seat beside her and interrupted her plotting dire ends for Vaarn and she looked up in surprise. Surely Laythia hadn't finished their conversation already? But it wasn't the big, silver-haired Latharian. Instead, an alien man sat in his place. He was short with blue skin and beady black eyes that regarded her carefully.

“You are Lady T’Kaan?” he asked in a deep voice.

It was on the tip of her tongue to say that she wasn't, but then she remembered Vaarn's warning. “Um… yes?”

“I have been watching you,” he said.

“Watching me?” she asked. That wasn’t creepy at all. But she'd worked in enough bars not to let her feelings leak into her expression. "Why?"

“You are Human if I am not mistaken?”

“I am,” she replied cautiously. If Vaarn was right then humans were a target out here, but surely this guy couldn't do anything to her here, in the middle of all these people?

“And you are mated to Vaarn T’Kaan?”

She nodded and plastered a smile on her face. "I am indeed. Would you like to speak to him? He just went to get something to eat, but he should be back soon…" she said, looking around for Vaarn but couldn’t see him in the chattering crowd at the door.

"Oh no," The man waved his hand dismissively. “No need. Well met, Lady T'Kaan.”

She frowned as he stood up, gave her a small bow, and walked away without another word.

“How strange,” she said, looking around to see if anyone else had seen the odd exchange. But everyone else was too busy with their own conversations to notice her.

Vaarn returned, elbowing his way past a group of aliens that sounded, and looked, like twittering birds. She leaned over as he sat down.

“There was a man here asking about us," she said in a low voice.

His eyebrow winged up, just a little. “What did he want?”

“He asked if I was mated to you.”

"Did he now?" His expression darkened as he turned away from her and scanned the room. “What did you tell him?”

“I told him that I was.” She looked up at him. "I asked if he wanted to talk to you, but he didn't. Then he left."

"Can you point him out?"
