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Rohn dismissed her apology with a wave of his hand.

"Nonsense. But please, call me Rohn. We are family now." He flashed a charming smile.

She wasn't sure that was correct, but even she knew you didn't argue with a prince. No matter how charming he was.

"So… I happen to know Vaarn will be undertaking a trade mission to Krantav Three soon. There's been a problem with one of the components on the station and he's looking for a viable alternative."

She blinked in surprise. That wasn't information she would expect a prince to bother himself with. "Oh. Well, I hope the mission goes well for him."

Rohn grinned. "Indeed. Although perhaps such a mission could benefit from a human advisor? Someone perhaps skilled in mass manufacture. I believe you held such a position on Earth?"

She nodded. "I was part of a quality control team on a production line." She tilted her head in curiosity. "Why are you telling me this?"

Rohn's grin turned roguish. "Let's just say I have a certain... interest in Vaarn's mission."

She stared at the prince, not quite believing what she was hearing.

"I... appreciate the thought, Your High—I mean Rohn," she managed. "But I'm sure Chief Engineer Vaarn has his team selected already. He made it quite clear he has no interest in including me."

Rohn arched an eyebrow. "That's not the kind of response I've come to expect from human females. I thought you were all take no prisoners, can do anything types."

Before she could respond, Halle jumped in. "In this case… absolutely not. It's far too dangerous. She’s never done anything like this before. She doesn’t have the training!"

Her sister folded her arms, staring Rohn down with the kind of confidence Sadie only wished that she had.

But she found some from somewhere, shooting Halle a look. "Shouldn't I get to decide what risks I'm willing to take?"

Halle winced a little and Kaas placed a soothing hand on his mate's shoulder. "Perhaps this could be a good opportunity for Sadie," he said, his voice a low rumble. "With proper precautions, the risks could be mitigated."

Halle looked unconvinced, but Rohn nodded. "Exactly. Vaarn is an extremely experienced warrior. Sadie will be safe with him, and Krantav Three is in a secure system with no history of trouble."

A small spark of excitement ignited within her. A chance to do something meaningful for the station and to learn a little about how the systems worked… and to maybe prove herself to Vaarn. Then she deflated. It was tempting, but she had her son to consider.

"I couldn't leave Ollie," she said but to her surprise, Kaas spoke up.

"I would be honored to care for Ollie while you are away. He has been quite the little assistant to me while working in the Medical Center. He's a firm favorite with the longer-term patients."

She blinked at him in surprise. Halle looked just as stunned, then gave Kaas a tender smile. "We both will," she said. "It's been too long since we had a movie night."

Relief washed over her. Kaas and Halle's offer addressed her main concern. She knew Ollie would be safe and happy with them. Glancing between her sister and her mate, a pang of longing rolled through her. Their easy intimacy, the way they looked at each other with such love and trust. She wanted that closeness for herself someday.

Rohn's voice broke into her thoughts. "In all seriousness, I would trust Vaarn with my life. He's as grumpy as draanth, but he is one of the good ones. You have my word, no harm will come to you."

Looking at Rohn then Kaas', she met their steady gazes and felt supported, like part of a family. Her loved ones would care for Ollie, while she seized this chance to better herself.

Drawing a deep breath, she lifted her chin. "Alright, I'm in."


Vaarn leaned forward in the pilot's chair, tapping out final pre-flight sequences on the illuminated console with the ease of long practice. The engines hummed, primed and ready for departure.

His comms console crackled to life.

"Chief Engineer T'Kaan, we're sending a human engineering consultant to join the mission. Please hold position pending arrival."

He frowned. They were sending a human? Now?

He stabbed a hard finger at the transmit button. "You are aware that I am engines hot on the deck, waiting for a departure window? I don't have time to wait for a suitable human to be assigned. I'm leaving now."
