Page 54 of Haven Moon

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I smiled to myself, thinking about Atticus as a father. He was made for it. I’d be an uncle. That would be pretty cool. My mother would be over the moon for more Moons.

“Does this mean Stella’s my grandma now?” Chloe asked.

“Pretty much,” I said.

“Yay.” Chloe dropped down to look into the carrier. The kittens had ceased mewing. Maybe they were like the rest of us, ready to be a family.



The day of Elliot and Caspian’s wedding, we woke to an August morning bright with sunshine and promise. They’d wanted a simple ceremony at our church and then a quiet dinner with just family and a few close friends for the reception. Atticus and Annie had volunteered to have the reception dinner at their home, since our bride and groom spent too much time at the restaurant as it was.

Neither had wanted any attendants or other traditional elements, other than Chloe as a flower girl. Elliot had picked out a white tulle dress. Chloe loved it so much. I was afraid she might never take it off again.

We gathered in the church. My daughter grinned from ear to ear as she walked down the church aisle, tossing white rose petals from a basket.

Caspian stood at the front near the pulpit with the pastor. He winked at Chloe when she reached the end of the aisle. I motioned for my offspring to join us on the bench. She seemed disappointed her performance had ended so soon but snuggled between Thad and me anyway.

The doors of the church opened, and Elliot entered, wearing a simple mermaid-style gown that showed off her curvaceous figure and muscular arms. A veil made from Italian lace had been tucked into her thick brown hair. Since her mother and father were no longer with us, Elliot had said she didn’t want anyone to escort her. In fact, she’d told Finley and me, she preferred to walk herself into this new chapter of her life. “I don’t need anyone to give me away. I know exactly where I’m going.”

She held a bouquet of white roses in her hands as she walked toward her groom, tears brimming in her eyes.

Caspian smiled at her reassuringly. When she reached him, I stood to take the flowers from her.

As the ceremony progressed, I found myself daydreaming about the future, including the day I would marry Thad Moon. He’d asked me officially under the full moon a week after our ordeal with John had finally come to an end. Now I brushed the diamond solitaire with my thumb to make sure it was real. I still had a hard time believing this was my life. I was going to be a Moon. My daughter would be a Moon.

We’d not heard anything from the Underwood family after John’s death. For days afterward, I’d expected them to show up on our doorstep or send a threat of some kind to let me know I would pay for causing their beloved boy’s death. But as the weeks passed and I heard nothing, I began to relax.

One day, I’d been sitting out on the front porch with Thad talking over the plans for our house when the sheriff arrived. To my amazement and relief, Winthrop brought good news. John’s father and brothers had been arrested and charged for various crimes, including drug trafficking. Apparently, the FBI had been conducting a quiet investigation of the Underwood family for over a year.

“I don’t think they’ll be bothering you again,” Winthrop said. “The authorities are watching their every move. If the trial goes as expected, they’re all going to jail for a long time.”

Thad had asked about the possibility of the Underwoods hiring someone to hurt me, but the sheriff had reassured us that the Underwoods had no intention of adding anything to their current list of criminal charges.

“You can rest easy,” Winthrop had said to me. “Enjoy the rest of your life in peace.”

We’d thanked him profusely for all his help. I’d even hugged him. To which he’d responded, “Good and bad deeds eventually catch up with a person. Stella Moon has always conducted her life with integrity and generosity. It was my turn to help her and her family, and it was my honor and privilege. Anyway, seeing you two lovebirds so happy together warms this old boy’s heart.”

As the sheriff had walked back to the car, Thad had said quietly that Winthrop needed a good woman. I told him I’d add it to my prayer list. Then we’d sat back on the porch swing and kissed. We did a lot of that these days.

Our house was in the middle of the remodel. Jasper and Thad were doing a lot of the work themselves, but a crew had started this past week. If all went as planned, we’d be moving in at Christmastime. Between now and then, we were content to live at the big house with the boys and Elliot.

Elliot and Caspian were excited to move out and into their own house as soon as it was finished. They’d gutted the inside and tackled the remodel with the expectation that it would be complete before Thanksgiving. I’d helped Elliot with picking out furniture and rugs and everything else one could want. I was in heaven.

Somewhere near the end of our project, Elliot had looked over at me and said, “You should do this for a living. You’re really good.”

I’d been pleased with her compliment, but a job as a decorator seemed far-fetched. However, not long after that, a woman from church asked if she could hire me to help her redecorate her house. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. Thad had been excited for me and suggested I put a website and portfolio together. I’d hesitated, not wanting to let him and Stella down. Our wedding offerings had turned out to be really popular. We were booked for one at Christmas and six for next summer. Regardless, there would be plenty of time during the slow season to focus on decorating. So far, I only had the one client but felt hopeful word would get around and more folks would find me.

After the ceremony, we all returned to Atticus and Annie’s. The newlyweds had asked for a barbecue on the patio for their wedding dinner. Our sunset was spectacular that night, spreading orange and pink across the sky in broad strokes. After the sun disappeared and we were in that magical hour of twilight, we dined at a long table rented for the occasion. The whole family was in attendance. Arabella, Finley, and Stella’s friend Iris rounded out the guest list.

I left Chloe with Thad to go inside and use the restroom. The powder room door was closed, so I went upstairs to the bathroom off the hallway. Before I reached it, the door to the main bedroom opened and Annie appeared. She looked like death, if that was possible for one of the most beautiful women in the world. A shade of green had overtaken her usual rosy complexion. Dark circles under her eyes were visible despite her makeup.

“Annie, are you all right?” I asked.

“I’m not feeling too great. The smells…are just everywhere.” She sighed. “I’m not supposed to tell anyone, but I’m pregnant.”

“I knew it.” She hadn’t yet told anyone about the pregnancy, including me, but I could spot the symptoms a mile away. “How far along are you?”

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