Page 12 of Haven Moon

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“And love has been nothing but disappointment in your own life,” Soren said matter-of-factly. “So how could you give them a great experience if you don’t even believe in marriage? Right?”

She raised her gaze toward him, and they exchanged an understanding glance. “Exactly.”

Jealousy sliced through me. They clearly had an understanding between them. I shoved off from the table. “If you’re interested, come by at two. If not, forget I said anything.” I picked up my plate, took it to the sink, and scrubbed it with the brush harder than was necessary. If I could, I would have thrown the darn thing at the wall just for the satisfaction of hearing it break.

Instead, I stuck the plate in the dishwasher and without another word headed upstairs to shower and get ready for work. Let those two bond without me. Clearly, I wasn’t wanted.

* * *

An hour later, I walked into the office. Finley was already there, arranging some flowers in a vase. Coffee and scones were set out on the buffet. Curtains were open, allowing the morning sun to brighten the room.

“Hey.” I set the toolbox on the floor and took hold of a pile of bills Finley had stacked on the counter for me to pay.

“Good morning.” She peered at me over the head of a pink daisy. “You okay?”

“Didn’t sleep well.” I flipped through the envelopes without really seeing them.

“I’m sorry. Anything I can do? And why are you carrying around a toolbox?”

“No, I’m fine. The toolbox is for that rotten board.”

“Right. Of course.” She smiled and tossed honey-blond hair behind her shoulders before returning to her task.

I went into my office and pitched the mail onto the desk. Finley had already lifted the shade and put a small bouquet of roses by my computer. So thoughtful of her. Had I been short with her just now? She didn’t deserve my bad mood. I stuck my head back out. “Thanks for the flowers.”

“You’re welcome.”

“And sorry I’m grouchy,” I said.

“Not at all. You don’t have to be perfect all the time, you know.”

I left my office and came around to stand at the counter. “Do you think Sammie likes Soren? I mean, as in—is she attracted to him?”

She tugged on one of her hoop earrings, looking genuinely perplexed for a moment. “Is that what has you in a bad mood?”

“That and other things.”

She stood but remained behind the counter, as if I were a guest. “I can’t say I know everything about her because that’s impossible, given how she is.”

“Right.” I nodded, anxious to hear what else she would say about the subject. “She’s secretive.”

“I’m not sure that’s the right word. She’s guarded and private. There’s a difference.”

“Is there?” I asked.

“Sometimes people just want to leave their pasts in the past. Because they’re too painful.”

“Like you?” I asked.

“Like me, yes.” She hesitated, moving a rose from one side of the vase to the other. “Anyway, to answer your question, I don’t think she has a thing for Soren.”

“Why not?” I needed concrete examples.

“He’s not the right brother.”

“What do you mean?” Did she like Rafferty? Of course she did. He was a doctor and insanely good-looking. He had his own house.

“I mean, Mr. Clueless, that I think she likes you.”
