Page 10 of Theo

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“You disappeared.”

“Growing up with a dad in the Mafia has its perks.” She moves in the dark, stepping so close I can feel her words against the skin of my throat. “Back to my question,” she murmurs, running the tips of her nails up my arm. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m watching you.”

“Watching me?” She doesn’t sound surprised as she walks her nails across my chest. “What were you hoping to see, Dickbag?”

“Tell me why you’re in Forest Falls, Viper.” Talking around the tightness in my throat when her nails dig into my skin feels impossible, but I force the words out anyway. “I can help.”

“I don’t want your help, Dickbag.”

My hand closes around her wrist before she can drag those fingers any lower. “Then what do you want?”

Eyes as dark as Bray Creek Lake peer up at me. Varying answers dance across her face before something seems to settle in her mind. “What do you want?”

“Everything, so try again.” I step forward, guiding her around until she’s pressed against the side of the SUV. My body blocks her from sight, not that there’s enough light over here for anyone in the apartments to see her. “What do you want, Viper?”

“I want to forget.” Her sigh is nothing more than a soft puff of air against my cheek, but it feels strong enough to create a bubble around us. “I want you to make me forget.”

It feels like she wants me to kiss her, but I can’t risk crossing that line without express permission. “How should I make you forget?”

“Dickbag,” she growls the terrible nickname, digging her nails into my shoulders as she tries to pull me closer.

I don’t budge. “You want me to kiss you, Viper?”

“Yes.” Relief is palpable in the word, and I have to bite back a smile. All the times I imagined this—having her needy and pliant in my arms—I never thought we would be in an apartment complex parking lot. I’m not about to let it stop me, though.

Gently, so gently it nearly kills me, I brush our lips together. Charity immediately demands more, pressing forward until there’s no space left between us. She tastes faintly of whiskey and oranges, and I know deep in my soul that this isn’t enough. It will never be enough. I need more of her, all of her, to take and take until there’s nothing left of her or me. Just us, for the rest of time.

“Please.” Her desperate plea cuts through my overwhelming thoughts.

“You want more?” She doesn’t say anything, but I feel her nod in response. “You want me to touch you?”

“Please,” she repeats, shifting so there’s room for me to slide a hand between us. Smiling, I carefully drag my hands down her sides. Charity sighs, leaning back when I reach the hem of her t-shirt.

“Do you want me to touch,” my fingers dip beneath the shirt, fabric pooling around my wrists as I glide my hands back up her bare thighs. “Here?” My fingertips brush the soft fabric of her underwear, and Charity groans, tipping her head back until it thuds against the cold glass of the car window. Unable to resist what’s so readily offered, I bend to press a line of kisses down the smooth skin of her neck. “Use your words, Viper.”


It’s amazing how one word can change everything. I’m on my knees before my brain can catch up with my body’s intent. Charity gasps when I lift her off the ground, settling her thighs over my shoulders. Sharp nails dig into my scalp, but there isn’t enough hair left for her to hold onto. I’ve been growing it back out since I was forced to shave it, but now I wish it had grown faster.

“Fuck, D-D-ah,” she stutters, and for a moment it almost sounds like she was about to call me Daddy. What little blood was left in my head rushes to my cock at the thought. I have never had a woman call me Daddy before, but it would appear I’m not opposed to the idea.

“What was that?” I pause in my forward pursuit to look up at her.



“I just,” she sighs, worrying her lower lip between her teeth. “It feels wrong calling you Dickbag when you’re between my thighs.”

Nodding, I lift one hand to wrap around her leg. “What would you like to call me, then?”

“I d-don’t know.”

“Well,” my free hand slides across the soaked fabric of her underwear, dipping beneath to tease her. Charity instantly tries to buck her hips, but I have her pinned between me and the car. “It’s up to you,” I lean forward until I can press my mouth to the thin cotton covering her clit. Charity gasps, grinding her hips against my mouth. “But if you want,” I smirk at her sharp inhale. “I could give you some suggestions.”

