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Raina smirks like the little villain she is and then simply turns around and starts back up the steps, her long black hair swaying over her back as she moves.

“Come on,” Raina says without turning to look. “There’s a bathroom upstairs.”

With embarrassment still staining her cheeks bright red, Kayla quickly wipes the trail of cum from her thigh and hurries after Raina. I shake my head at both of them as I follow.

The night outside is dark, but Eli and Raina’s house is brightly lit and full of noise. Or at least, the living room is. While Raina shows Kayla where the nearest bathroom is, I saunter through the hallway and into the living room.

It’s an elegantly decorated room, completely at odds with the sex and torture chamber basement. And I know that it’s all Raina’s efforts, because Eli doesn’t give a shit about interior design. He just wants whatever Raina wants.

God, all of my brothers are so whipped.

When I walk into the room, I find all three of them sprawled on the couches made of dark wood and deep green fabric. Light glints in the golden candleholders along the low coffee table, and in the whiskey and wine glasses littered on the dark wooden surface too.

Alina sips from a cocktail, her gray eyes glittering in the warm candlelight, where she sits in an armchair. Her long blonde hair spills down over the rich green backrest. To my left, Isabella pulls out a bottle of red wine from the liquor cabinet. Her shoulder-length auburn hair sways slightly as she straightens, but her blue-gray eyes are as sharp and perceptive as ever as she turns to look at me when I walk through the doorway.

“Did you make a mess?” Eli asks, a wicked smirk on his face where he lounges on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table.

“Of course not.” I flash him a grin full of challenge. “Jeez, didn’t you know? You’re supposed to come inside her. Not paint the walls with your cum.” Tutting, I shake my head. “Classic rookie mistake”

On the couch opposite him, Rico chokes on his whiskey while Kaden snickers into his own glass.

Eli narrows his golden eyes at me, making the scar through his eyebrow tighten. “Careful now, little brother. Remember whose house you’re in.”

Strolling over to the couch, I reach behind it and pull out a bat. “Since when has that ever stopped me?”

Surprise pulses across Eli’s face as he sees the bat, and he sits up straighter and turns so that he can see it properly. With that stunned look still on his features, he snaps his gaze back up to my face and demands, “Where the hell did you get that from?”

“I put it there last time I was here.”

“You can’t just hide random bats in our house.”

“Why not?”


“I want to go home,” Kayla suddenly says from the doorway. The embarrassment on her face is gone now, replaced instead by cold command as she locks eyes with me. “Now.”

Raina breezes past her in the doorway and walks towards where Isabella is still standing on the floor. While Isabella’s sharp eyes assess Kayla, Raina casually plucks the bottle of wine from her hand and strolls over to the couch. Isabella shifts her gaze away from Kayla and instead rolls her eyes at Raina, who flashes her a grin in reply.

After grabbing two wine glasses, she starts filling them up while casually saying, “Was this your first kidnapping?”

Silence falls over the room.

In the doorway, Kayla starts slightly when everyone turns to look at her.

“Uhm, yes,” she replies when she realizes that the question was directed at her.

“Ahh,” Raina says with a contented sigh as she leans back and takes a sip from her wine glass. “The first kidnapping is always the most exciting.”

Disbelief pulses across Kayla’s face. “Exciting? I thought I was going to die!”

Raina snorts as if that’s a ridiculous reaction.

“If I remember correctly,” I begin, flashing Raina a knowing smile. “The first time we kidnapped you, Eli put a gun to your brother’s head and made you crawl up to our feet and kiss our boots while groveling for forgiveness.”

Across the room, Kayla snaps her gaze to me, shock evident on her face. Eli groans on the couch while Raina narrows her eyes at me.

And because I simply can’t help it, I lie through my teeth and mess with her even more as I add, “I still have those boots. Saved them in that exact condition just to preserve that memory.”
