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Lionel shoots one last glare at Jace, but then joins the discussion as well.

I keep my eyes on Jace.

This is one of the things that I find so interesting about him. The contrasting sides of him and how effortlessly he can shift between them. On the one hand, he’s carefree and full of laughter and excitement. Like a golden retriever. Which is why I call him Sparky when I want to mess with him. But at the same time, he’s also cunning and confident and incredibly dominant.

My heart starts racing at just the memory of that one command he snapped at me to prove a point earlier. Now, sit your ass back down on that chair and finish your breakfast like a good girl. God, I wanted to slap him when he said that. But mostly, I wanted to slap myself because of how my heart flipped and my pussy throbbed.

While only listening to Aurora with half an ear, I let my gaze drop back down to Jace’s forearms. The way his muscles flexed when he was chopping ingredients and whisking the sauce and lifting the pans while making dinner earlier was so hot that my mind drifted down all kinds of really dangerous paths. And now, I can’t get those thoughts out of my head.

Suddenly realizing that I’m staring, I snap my gaze back up.

And find Jace smirking at me with a knowing glint in his eyes.

I scoff, trying to play it off, but I can’t stop my cheeks from heating. Hopefully, it’s not visible in the dancing candlelight and the already red and golden hues from the setting sun.

Blocking out those inconvenient thoughts, I drink deeply from my wine glass and instead return my attention to the discussion about how we are going to find a venue for our silent auction.

But even after we have finished dinner, and Aurora, Jenn, and Lionel have left, and we have cleaned up in the kitchen, I still can’t get those forbidden thoughts completely out of my mind.

Indecision twists inside me as I linger in the living room, watching Jace retreat into his bedroom. As usual, he doesn’t close the door fully behind him.

I should head back into my own bedroom too. Should call it a night. I have classes in the morning. And I’ve been drinking. Not that I’m drunk or anything. But still. It’s Monday tomorrow. I should do the responsible thing and get ready for a week of studies.

The memory of how fucking hot Jace looked when he was cooking blows across my vision again.

Fuck it. I start towards his bedroom. I’m not going to do anything. I’m just going to ask him something. Just one question. And then I will leave. Then I will do the right thing and be responsible and not further muddle this already complicated relationship that we now have.

I make sure that he can hear me coming towards his room so that he has the chance to shut the door in my face if he wants to.

He doesn’t.

Walking inside, I find him standing by the dresser on the other side of the room. Shirtless.

Electricity shoots up my spine as Jace sets down the shirt he has just taken off and turns to face me. Light from the ceiling lamp falls across his muscular chest when he stops. Heat pools inside me, and I suddenly forget why I’m here.

Jace arches an eyebrow. “Did you need something?”

I clear my throat, scrambling to compose myself again. “Yes.”

“And that is…?”

“When you said that I wouldn’t be able to handle it, what does that mean?”

He blinks, looking a little surprised by the direction this conversation just took. Then a sly smile spreads across his lips instead as he flicks a knowing glance up and down my body. “It means exactly what I said. You wouldn’t be able to handle me.”

Irritation flickers through me. “Based on what?”

His expression hardens and his voice pulses with authority as he snaps, “Get on your knees.”

I start slightly at the utter command in his voice, and then scowl at him.

He smirks. “See? Whenever I tell you to do something, your first instinct is to refuse.”

“That doesn’t count.” I glare at him. “You did that knowing full well that it would surprise me.”

“Whatever you need to tell yourself.” Suspicion suddenly blows across his features as he narrows his eyes at me. “Why are you even asking this, little demon?”

I hold his gaze. “Maybe I’m curious.”
