Page 144 of Irresistible Darkness

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Mom is hugging me so tightly that I can barely breathe.

After we handed Lionel over to the police, and after Jace did whatever it is that he does to make sure that he is not arrested for bashing people’s heads in with a bat, he drove me home to my apartment. I needed a very long and scorching hot shower to wash off the memories of being grabbed and tied up like that. My wrists are still a little raw from where the zip ties were digging into my skin. But after I had gotten dressed, I rubbed some soothing gel on them.

Then I walked back into the living room and was practically ambushed by my mom and dad.

Apparently, Jace had called them while I was in the shower. And he has also made dinner.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Mom sobs into my neck as she continues hugging me. “I was so worried.”

I hug her back. “Yeah, me too. But I’m okay now, Mom. I promise.”

Dad, who was the first to swoop me into a crushing hug the second I stepped out into the living room, is now standing awkwardly next to the kitchen table while Jace sets down plates full of food on it.

The entire room is filled with the mouthwatering scent of garlic and parmesan and fried mushrooms and herbs.

Dad clears his throat, looking very self-conscious, as he looks up to meet Jace’s eyes while Mom releases me from her squeezing hug.

“I, uhm…” Dad begins, and then clears his throat again. “I wanted to apologize.”

Jace looks up from where he’s setting down the final plate, and frowns in confusion. “What for?”

“For firing you. For treating you like… like I did.” He shifts his weight uncomfortably and scratches the back of his neck. “When Lionel called me, he made it sound as if you were… taking advantage of my daughter.”

Fury streaks through me like lightning strikes at the mention of Lionel’s name. At the memory of what he put me through today. And at the fact that he dared to interfere with my life in any way. That he almost ruined my relationship with Jace.

Waves of anger roll through me. Maybe I should double the bounty on Lionel’s head?

“But I can see now that I was wrong,” Dad continues. His blue eyes are full of misery and regret as he glances between me and Jace. “I was so, so wrong. And I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” Jace shrugs and flashes him a smile. “I get it. You were just trying to protect her.”

Dad winces. “As were you.”

“Yeah.” Before Dad can apologize again, Jace motions towards the table. “Now, please eat before the food gets cold.”

Wood scrapes against wood as we all pull out chairs and sit down around the table. Mom and Dad next to each other opposite me and Jace. Jace slides a hand over my thigh and gives my knee a little squeeze. It’s such a casual gesture of affection that my heart stutters and I almost drop my fork.

After another nod from Jace to dig in, Mom and Dad start eating. But they stop halfway through the first bite and snap their gaze up to Jace. Astonishment pulses across their faces.

Dad swallows the bite. “This is… delicious. Did you make this?”

A small smile tugs at the corner of Jace’s lips. “Yes.”

“Wow,” Mom says.

Dad nods.

Next to me, Jace is looking entirely too pleased with himself so I jab my elbow into his side. He just grins at me.

“Kayla,” Dad suddenly says.

Dread rolls down my spine at the serious and almost painful note to his voice. I swallow and turn back to meet his gaze. “Yes?”

“We need to talk about your security.” He gives me an apologetic look. “Today, more than anything, has demonstrated the need for a bodyguard.”

“I don’t want a bodyguard,” I reply. And even I am surprised by the sharp steel in my voice. “I don’t want to spend my entire life monitored and watched and shadowed by someone.”

Dad winces. “I know. And I understand. But I don’t know how else to keep you safe. That Gregor Doyle creature is still out there and he might want revenge. Not to mention that someone else might get inspired by his actions and try to kidnap you as well.”
