Page 139 of Irresistible Darkness

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I keep drumming on the wall.

“Yeah,” another man replies. “Go check it out.”

With my fingers still tapping, I remain behind the cover of the crates.

Footsteps sound from around the corner. They stop. Then they continue forwards. Towards me.

I flex my fingers on the bat, shifting it into a two-handed grip, while I wait for him to get closer.

Then I take one quick step out.

And slam the bat into the side of his head.

Shock pulses across his face.

But it’s already too late.

His hand drops away from the gun he was reaching for. Blood trickles down the side of his head where his skull caved in. He topples backwards, hitting the ground with a thud. His body spasms once. Then he goes limp, staring unseeing up at the sky. There is a stunned expression on his face, even in death.

“You find anything?” the other guy calls from around the corner.

The dead man remains dead on the ground, not answering his question. I step around the body while approaching the corner again. Blood slides down along the bat and drips on the ground.

Now, I just need to wait for the second professional to come and investigate why his partner isn’t replying. Then I can?—

A gunshot cracks through the air.

My heart stops.

The gunshot… It came from inside the building.

Ice spreads through my veins.


Throwing all caution to the wind, I yank out a gun and sprint around the corner.

The guard at the door spots me the moment I skid around the corner. He yanks up a gun, but I’m already holding mine. I squeeze the trigger.

A massive weight slams into me from the side.

My entire body jerks to the side, throwing off my aim. The bullet hits the guard in the shoulder. He screams in pain.

I slam shoulder first into the ground with one of the thugs on top of me. His arms are wrapped around my chest, but his grip is jostled when we hit the ground. I twist and fire again towards the guard, but he yanks open the door right on time. The bullet cracks into the metal door instead. And the guard is gone.

Ramming my elbow into my attacker’s stomach, I manage to get him to loosen his grip enough for me to twist towards him fully. I yank up the gun to shoot him in the face, but the second thug is barreling towards us. Shifting my aim at the last moment, I fire towards the second thug.

He throws himself sideways right before the bullet tears through the air.

But that move bought the first guy two seconds to lunge for my gun. His meaty hands close around my wrist, trying to pull the weapon away from me. I kick my knee up into his side. It makes him shift his weight enough for me to yank out the bat that was trapped between our bodies.

With a snap of my wrist, I slam the bat into his side.

A howl of pain rips from his throat, and he jerks sideways from the force of the blow.

But the second thug has already reached us now.

Pain shoots through my wrist as he kicks the gun out of my hand.
